City Hall denies full lockdown rumours

Riot shields are used as makeshift barriers to keep police officers at a safe distance from people making inquiries at Tha Phra police station in Bangkok Yai district on Tuesday. The measure was taken to curb the transmission of Covid-19. (Photo: Arnun Chonmahatrakool)
Riot shields are used as makeshift barriers to keep police officers at a safe distance from people making inquiries at Tha Phra police station in Bangkok Yai district on Tuesday. The measure was taken to curb the transmission of Covid-19. (Photo: Arnun Chonmahatrakool)

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) on Tuesday dismissed as untrue reports that it will announce a full lockdown and keep city residents at home in a bid to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

A City Hall spokesman said the rumour about a full lockdown might have been triggered by Monday's meeting of BMA executives.

He insisted no further measures were tabled at the meeting which is held every other Monday.

City Hall recently ordered the closure of more places in Bangkok until April 30 in addition to the 26 types of businesses which were ordered shut down on March 23.

The new venues include playgrounds in public parks and housing estates, libraries, museums, theatres, outdoor cinemas, and public and private nurseries (except those in hospitals).

Wantanee Wattana, the deputy city clerk, said a total of 15 checkpoints are set up around the city and at three bus terminals to check the temperature of travellers and send those with a fever for further screening.

Police said more than 43,000 people were screened at the checkpoints between March 26 and March 30 and 35 were sent for medical care.

The prime minister has also instructed the police to step up crackdowns on illegal gambling, street racing and large parties as these activities draw big crowds, she said.

Chulalongkorn Hospital earlier said it was running low on N95 masks and has been trying to find more from all possible sources.

"The hospital only has enough masks for another two weeks," said its director.

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  • checkpoint: a place where people have to stop so their vehicles and documents can be checked - ด่านตรวจ
  • City Hall: a city government, in this case, the Bangkok city government - กรุงเทพมหานคร
  • fever: an abnormally high body temperature - ไข้
  • gambling: the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race - การพนัน
  • lockdown (noun): an official order to control the movement of people or vehicles because of a dangerous situation -
  • measure: an action taken to solve a particular problem - มาตรการ
  • nursery: a place for young children - อนุบาล
  • playground: a place where children can play -
  • rumour: a piece of information, or a story, that people talk about, but that may not be true - ข่าวลือ
  • source: the place/person/organisation from which you get something - แหล่ง
  • table: to suggest formally in a meeting - เสนอเรื่องเข้าที่ประชุม
  • trigger: to cause - ก่อให้เกิด กระตุ้น

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