Woman, 84, allegedly raped by neighbour, 89, dies

Relatives and neighbours attend a funeral rite for the 84-year-old woman and alleged rape victim who died from a blood infection on Monday. (Photo by Surachai Piragsa)
Relatives and neighbours attend a funeral rite for the 84-year-old woman and alleged rape victim who died from a blood infection on Monday. (Photo by Surachai Piragsa)

BURI RAM: An 84-year-old woman allegedly raped by an 89-year-old neighbour at her house in Nang Rong district three months ago has died of a blood infection.

The elderly woman (whose name has been withheld) died from a blood infection on Monday.

Her relatives filed a complaint with police on Nov 2, accusing a neighbour, 89, of raping her. 

A daughter identified as Nid said she and her mother lived in different houses in the same compound in Nang Rong district. She went to her mother’s house every day to take care of her.

On Nov 2, she went into the house and saw their elderly neighbour sitting astride her mother on the bed.  She shouted and the man hurriedly left the house.  

She took her mother to hospital for an examination. A doctor said there were signs she had been raped by a hard object in her vagina.  

After returning home, her mother had fallen ill and often looked toward the door of her house while crying, the daughter said. On Feb 4, she died from a blood infection that relatives believed was caused by the sexual violation.

The neighbour was earlier summonsed by police for interrogation. He denied raping the woman.  Police released him without bail due to his advanced age.

The prosecutor said on Tuesday that police investigators had questioned witnesses and gathered evidence against the alleged rapist. There were grounds for a case, he said. 

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  • astride: standing across; located in the middle of ..... -
  • bail: money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money  - เงินประกัน; การประกันตัว
  • compound: an area in which a group of buildings stands - บริเวณ
  • evidence: facts statements or objects that help to prove whether or not someone has committed a crime - หลักฐาน
  • infection: a disease or medical condition that is caused by a bacteria or by a virus or a parasite - การติดเชื้อ
  • interrogation: asking someone a lot of questions in order to get information - การสอบถาม, การซักถาม
  • prosecutor: a lawyer whose job is to prove in court that someone accused of a crime is guilty - อัยการ
  • rape: to commit the crime of forcefully having sex with someone against their wish - ข่มขืน
  • vaginal (adj): connected with the vagina, the passage in the body of a woman or female animal between the outer sex organs and the womb - เกี่ยวกับช่องคลอด
  • violation: an action that is against a law, agreement, principle, etc. - การฝ่าฝืน
  • withheld (verb): to deliberately not give something to someone - ไม่เปิดเผย, ไม่อนุญาต, ระงับ, ถอนกลับ

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