Woman forgives messengers for sex toy photos

The Facebook page เพจ ล่า posted a picture purporting to show former Kerry Express employees apologising for posting pictures of a woman's shipment of sex toys on social media, along with her identity, at a branch of the company in Nakhon Pathom province on Tuesday.
The Facebook page เพจ ล่า posted a picture purporting to show former Kerry Express employees apologising for posting pictures of a woman's shipment of sex toys on social media, along with her identity, at a branch of the company in Nakhon Pathom province on Tuesday.

The woman whose shipment of sex toys -- along with her identity -- was exposed by employees of a messenger company has decided not to take legal action.

On Monday a post on the Facebook account เพจ ล่า, a popular chat and complaints page, showed a photo capture from another account of a young man sitting on the ground, wearing an orange T-shirt with the Kerry Express logo on the chest. He was holding up a dildo. The same compilation picture also showed other sex toys displayed on the ground nearby, along with a damaged plastic-wrapped package.

On Tuesday night, the "เพจ ล่า" Facebook page reported that the woman had met the four Kerry Express employees, all since fired, at their branch in Nakhon Pathom province.

According to the Facebook page, the woman told the employees that after they exposed her identity and contact information, she had endured arguments with her lover and family, was too embarrassed to go to work and received unwanted chat requests from strangers.

She tried to seek the identities of the four employees to file a complaint with police, but her request was rejected.

The Facebook page also quoted her as saying that her friend was the real buyer of the sex toys but used her address because the friend did not dare to use her own address. It was unfair for her to face the consequences, the woman said.

Kerry Express Thailand representatives and the four former employees then apologised to her. Kerry Express Thailand promised to compensate her and support her if she wanted to take legal action against the four men. 

However, the woman forgave all four employees, according to the Facebook page, as she realised that they were wage earners like herself. She made them promise to keep her identity secret and take no further harmful actions against her.

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  • compensate: to pay money to someone because something bad has happened to them - ชดเชย
  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การบ่น, ข้อที่ไม่พอใจ
  • consequences: results of effects of something - ผลที่ตามมา
  • dildo (n): an object shaped like an erect penis used for sexual stimulation -
  • earner: a person who earns money for a job that they do - ผู้มีรายได้
  • embarrassed (adj): feeling uncomfortable, nervous, worried or ashamed about something that you have done or something that has happened - รู้สึกอาย
  • fire: to make someone leave their job, sometimes as a punishment - ไล่ออก
  • identity: who or what somebody/something is - ชื่อ เอกลักษณ์
  • package: (n) a box, bag or envelope in which things are wrapped or packed -
  • wage: an amount of money that you earn for working, usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month - ค่าจ้าง

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