MMA fighter held in Pattaya for attempted murder in UK

British MMA fighter Glen Bailey, 43, wanted on an arrest warrant for attempted murder in England, has been arrested in Pattaya, Chon Buri. (Photo supplied)
British MMA fighter Glen Bailey, 43, wanted on an arrest warrant for attempted murder in England, has been arrested in Pattaya, Chon Buri. (Photo supplied)

A British mixed martial arts fighter wanted in England on a charge of attempted murder has been arrested at a health spa in Pattaya, Chon Buri, and faces extradition.

Glen Bailey, 43, was taken into custody at Q Sauna in Jomtien.

Police said British authorities had asked Thai authorities for cooperation. The suspect is accused of the attempted murder of a 17-year-old.  

Bailey allegedly shot the teenager in Hampshire on Feb 10 last year. The youth was left paralysed from the waist down. 

Bailey had entered Thailand on April 3 through the Ban Pakkad checkpoint in Chanthaburi on a tourist visa which expired on May 2. He gave an address in Pattaya.

Immigration police began the search for the man at gymnasiums and fitness centres. They believed that as an MMA fighter he would exercise regularly to keep fit. 

When they tracked him down to the Q Sauna and showed the arrest warrant, he did not resist.

He was charged with overstaying his visa and held at Pattaya City police station, pending action from British authorities for his extradition.

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  • accused: to be said to have done something wrong or committed a crime - ถูกกล่าวหา
  • custody: the state of being in prison or under police control, especially while waiting for trial - การกักขัง, การคุมขัง
  • extradition: sending someone accused of a crime back to the country where the crime was committed for trial or punishment - การส่งผู้ร้ายข้ามแดน
  • immigration police: the police agency dealing with people entering and leaving the country - สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง
  • overstay: stay in a country for longer than you are allowed to stay, not leaving when your visa to stay in the country ends -
  • paralysed: to cause to be unable to move - ทำให้เป็นอัมพาต
  • resist: to oppose or fight against someone or something - ต่อต้าน
  • sauna (noun): a small hot wooden room that people sit in in order to sweat (=produce water from their skin); a very hot place which seems like a sauna - ห้องอบไอน้ำ, ห้องเซาว์น่า
  • waist: the middle part of the body that is narrower than the parts above and below   - เอว

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