Lucky escape as falling pipe narrowly misses motorcyclist

A large section of drainage pipe rests on the surface of Rama 9 Road after falling from the overpass above in Bangkok late on Tuesday night. (Photo taken from Chaimongkol Khantura Facebook account)
A large section of drainage pipe rests on the surface of Rama 9 Road after falling from the overpass above in Bangkok late on Tuesday night. (Photo taken from Chaimongkol Khantura Facebook account)

A motorcyclist had a narrow escape when a long section of pipe fell off the Rama 9 overpass onto the road immediately in front of him in Bangkok late on Tuesday night.

Facebook user Chaimongkol Khantura posted a message and photos of the fallen pipe on his Facebook account.

He said the steel pipe plummeted to the ground in front of him when he was riding his motorcycle along Rama 9 Road around 11pm. If he had been going any faster it would have hit him and he would have been injured or even killed. 

The pipe fell onto a poorly lit area on Rama 9 Road.  

Anyawut Pho-amphan, a driver for the Ruamkatanyu rescue foundation, said he noticed motorists swerving to avoid something on the road. He drove closer and saw a large section of pipe had fallen from the overpass. He stopped, called police and turned on his warning lights.

Emergency units arrived at the scene and quickly set up warning lights and traffic cones, closing off two lanes of the road.

Police said an initial check found that clamps holding the drainage pipe broke, and a long section dropped to the road below. 

City Hall sent workmen to remove the damaged pipeline from the overpass. Officials said they would inspect drainage pipes at all overpasses in Bangkok for safety, before looking into the cause of the incident.

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  • clamp (verb): to hold something tightly, or fasten two things together, with a clamp (a device that is attached to the wheel of a car that has been parked illegally, so that it cannot be driven away) - หนีบไว้,จับไว้, ล็อคล้อ
  • drainage: the process of taking away of water or other liquids from an area - การระบายน้ำ
  • injured (adj): hurt in an accident, natural disaster, attack, etc. - ได้รับบาดเจ็บ
  • overpass: a bridge that carries a road or railway over another road - สะพานข้าม
  • pipe (noun): a long tube used for carrying water, oil, gas, etc. from one place to another place - ท่อ
  • plummet: to fall suddenly; to suddenly become much lower - ตกฮวบลง
  • poorly: not done very well -
  • steel (noun): a strong hard metal that is made of a mixture of iron and carbon - เหล็ก
  • swerve: to change directions suddenly - เปลี่ยนทิศทาง

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