American, Thai wife escapees still in ICU

Sirinapa Wisetrit sits by her injured American husband Bart Allen Helmus during the police arrest in Sa Kaeo province on Wednesday. (Royal Thai Police photo)
Sirinapa Wisetrit sits by her injured American husband Bart Allen Helmus during the police arrest in Sa Kaeo province on Wednesday. (Royal Thai Police photo)

An American inmate and his Thai wife who escaped from custody are still being treated in an intensive care unit as they are in serious conditions, a doctor said on Thursday.

The hopital director said both Bart Allen Helmus and his Thai wife  Sirinapa Wisetrit are still in the ICU and their conditions were serious.

In another interview, the hospital chief said the woman was suffering from bleeding in the brain and she was not pregnant.

The doctor was responding to earlier police reports that the American might have decided to escape after learning his wife was pregnant.

"She told us she was not pregnant," Dr Puwadol said. "The woman could be stressed, which might have caused missed periods."

The American, his Thai wife and another Thai prisoner Noi Nilthes fled from the Pattaya Court on Monday, injuring a police officer on duty at the courthouse. 

The three were arrested in two different locations on Wednesday in Sa Kaeo province.

Mr Helmus resisted the arrest. When they were surrounded by police, the American fired one shot at his wife and then turned on himself. The couple were sent to the hospital.

Police added 10 people who knew Mr Noi were involved in their escape in which five vehicles were used. One of them, Warakorn Ditthamalee, was later caught.

Mr Warakorn allegedly gave a pistol to Mr Noi when he used one of the vehicles to visit him at the prison. Mr Noi used the gun to shoot Pol Capt Thanamet Photipan, who was on duty at the courthouse after the officer refused to give them the jail keys and Mr Helmus stabbed him with a knife.

After the escape, they went on a pickup truck which stopped in Chon Buri. Their accomplices cut the chains and put them in another pickup truck, which dropped Mr Helmus and his wife in Prachin Buri. A car then took the couple to Sa Kaeo. Another car was seized before it would be used to send Mr Helmus and his wife to cross the border to Cambodia.

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  • accomplice: a person who helps someone else to commit a crime or to do something morally wrong - ผู้สมรู้ร่วมคิด
  • brain: the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feeling - สมอง
  • escape (verb): to get away from a place; to leave a place where you are in danger - หนี
  • flee (past form: fled) (verb): to leave a place or person quickly because you are afraid of possible danger or consequences - หนี
  • ICU (noun): the department of a hospital for people who are so ill or badly injured that they need to have special medical care and be watched very closely - ห้องดูแลผู้ป่วยหนักในโรงพยาบาล
  • jail (noun): a prison - เรือนจำ, ห้องขัง, คุก
  • period (noun): the flow of blood each month from the body of a woman who is not pregnant - ช่วงมีประจำเดือน
  • pregnant: having a baby developing inside the body - ท้อง ตั้งครรภ์
  • seize (verb): to take something using force - ยึด, จับกุม
  • stabbed: when someone is killed or hurt by a knife or other sharp object being pushed into their body - แทงด้วยอาวุธ
  • stressed: affected by pressure, worry, etc. - วิตกกังวล

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