K-Pop star Goo Hara found dead

Goo Hara joins girl group KARA in a press conference in Singapore on July 10, 2012. (AP file photo)
Goo Hara joins girl group KARA in a press conference in Singapore on July 10, 2012. (AP file photo)

SEOUL: K-pop star and TV celebrity Goo Hara was found dead at her home in Seoul on Sunday, police said.

Police said an acquaintance found the 28-year-old dead at her home in southern Seoul.

The cause of death wasn't known. Police refused to provide further details.

Goo made her debut in 2008 as a member of the girl group Kara, which had fans in South Korea, Japan and other Asian countries. She later worked as a solo artist and appeared on many TV shows.

In May, Goo was reportedly found unconscious at her home and was hospitalised.

She was involved last year in public disputes with an ex-boyfriend who claimed to have been assaulted by her. Goo accused him of having threatened to circulate a sex video of her. The case made her the subject of tabloid gossip and malicious online messages.

In October, another K-pop star and actress, Sulli, was found dead at her home near Seoul. 

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  • acquaintance: a person you know but who you are not close friends with - คนคุ้นเคย  
  • assault (verb): to attack someone violently, either physically or in some other way, e.g., smell - ทำร้ายร่างกาย, ทำร้าย
  • circulate: to send to many different people - หมุนเวียน
  • debut: performing for the first time - การเปิดตัว
  • dispute: a serious disagreement - ข้อโต้แย้ง
  • hospitalise: to send somebody to a hospital for treatment - ให้อยู่โรงพยาบาล
  • malicious: having or showing hatred and a desire to harm somebody or hurt their feelings - มุ่งร้าย, ปองร้าย, ประสงค์ร้าย
  • refuse (verb): to say or show that you will not do something; to say or show that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do - ปฏิเสธ
  • tabloid: a type of popular newspaper with small pages which has many pictures and short simple reports - หนังสือพิมพ์ขนาดเล็กที่รวมเรื่องสั้นต่างๆ ไว้
  • unconscious : in a sleeplike condition, usually from an illness or injury - หมดสติ

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