New school term starts July 1

The reopening of all state schools for the new academic year will take place on July 1. (Photo by Patipat Janthong)
The reopening of all state schools for the new academic year will take place on July 1. (Photo by Patipat Janthong)

Education Minister Nataphol Teepsuwan on Thursday confirmed that the reopening of all state schools for the new academic year will take place on July 1 although students at some schools may still not be able to attend class in person.

Mr Nataphol said his ministry estimated that by July 1 the Covid-19 situation in Thailand will improve.

"We believe that, by July, students in some areas will be able to attend classes, however the schools and students will still have to strictly follow the ministry's guidelines such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently and there must be distancing between students," the minister said.

Mr Nataphol said the schools will have to do body temperature screening and clean their premises frequently, adding that there is also a possibility that the number of students per class will be reduced and some outdoor activities will be banned.

"Each school will assess the risk in their areas if it's safe enough to conduct face-to-face teaching and report to the ministry," he said.

"If by July the situation in their locations has not improved, a system of distance-learning will be introduced instead," Mr Nataphol added.

Mr Nataphol said the ministry has already prepared two solutions, distance-learning TV (DLTV) programmes and online learning for schools that may not be able to fully reopen.

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  • banned: officially not allowed to do something - ถูกห้าม
  • distance learning (noun): a system of education in which people study at home or at schools with the help of special Internet sites and television and radio programmes - การเรียนรทางไกล
  • face-to-face (adj): involving people who are close together and looking at each other - เผชิญหน้ากัน, ต่อหน้า
  • frequently: happening often - บ่อยๆ
  • guidelines: official instructions or advice about how to do something - สิ่งที่ช่วยแนะแนวทางให้ปฏิบัติ
  • premises: the buildings and land that a business or organisation uses - ที่ดินและสิ่งปลูกสร้าง
  • screening: the testing or examining of a large number of people or things for disease, faults, illegal objects, etc - การตรวจ
  • strictly: completely - อย่างเข้มงวด
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