Nephew kills aunt's monk lover

Plainclothes police with suspect Sanguan Damthong during the crime reenactment at a house in Muang district of Buri Ram on Sunday. (Photo: Surachai Piragsa)
Plainclothes police with suspect Sanguan Damthong during the crime reenactment at a house in Muang district of Buri Ram on Sunday. (Photo: Surachai Piragsa)

BURI RAM: A man has allegedly confessed to killing a man who had only recently left the monkhood, after catching him having sex with his married aunt in the bathroom.

Sanguan Damthong, 46, who was until recently a monk, was hacked and stabbed to death in the bathroom of a house in Muang district on Saturday night.

His body was found on Sunday morning.

Police said the dead man had been attacked with a large knife, suffering a long, deep cut to his head and more wounds to his shoulders, left arm and torso. The bathroom was splattered with blood.

The owners of the house, Mr Liam and Mrs Od (surname not released), were taken in for questioning.

The couple initially denied knowing anything about the murder. After several hours they said Sanguan was killed by their nephew, Sithisak Suraram, 44, who lived next door.

Mr Sithisak was allegedly confessed to killing Sanguan, telling police the former monk had been having an affair with his aunt. About 7pm on Saturday, Sanguan and Mrs Od went into the bathroom and made love. He grabbed a knife, broke into the bathroom and slashed and stabbed Sanguan to death.

Mr Sithisak was charged with premeditated murder.


  • affair: a sexual relationship between two people - ความสัมพันธ์ทางเพศ
  • aunt: the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle - ป้า,น้าผู้หญิง,อาผู้หญิง
  • denied (verb): said that something is not true or did not happen - ปฏิเสธ
  • hack: to cut into pieces -
  • nephew: a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister - หลานชาย
  • premeditated: planned in advance - คาดคิดมาก่อน
  • splatter: (of a liquid) to hit a surface violent and spread over an area - กระเด็น
  • stabbed: when someone is killed or hurt by a knife or other sharp object being pushed into their body - แทงด้วยอาวุธ
  • torso: the main part of the body, not including the head, arms or legs - ลำตัว
  • wound: an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged - บาดแผล

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