Health chiefs 'prepared for mass testing'

People, tracked down by the Thai Chana app, are tested by officials from the Disease Control Department in Rayong province last week. (Photo: Arnun Chonmahatrakool)
People, tracked down by the Thai Chana app, are tested by officials from the Disease Control Department in Rayong province last week. (Photo: Arnun Chonmahatrakool)

The Public Health Ministry's Department of Medical Sciences (DMS) on Monday assured the public of its Covid-19 testing capability as the country prepares for fresh infections now that most businesses have reopened.

The director-general of the DMS, Opas Kankawinphong, on Monday outlined what the public health community was doing to prepare for a second wave of coronavirus infections even though the country has had no local cases for more than 50 days.

He said the number of laboratories, public and private, has been increased to 209 across the country, from two when the outbreak started in January, and all of them can return results within 24 hours.

He also praised Thailand's vaccine research efforts, increased local production of Covid-19 test kits, the development of new testing methods and investigation into mutations of the virus.

To expand testing capacity, the department has also collaborated with the Department of Communicable Diseases Control to roll out saliva tests which are easier, effective and less costly. Currently, the RT-PCR "swab test" is used which is 95% accurate.

Dr Opas said the country was also moving closer to finding a Covid-19 vaccine after a second round of testing on monkeys proved to be successful. Tests on humans are likely to take place in October.

In terms of testing, Mr Opas said that a total of 652,089 samples have been checked since January, with four in a 1,000 having come back positive

"So we are ready and we have the resources to tackle any outbreak," he said.

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  • case: a particular situation or a situation of a particular type - กรณี, เหตุการณ์, สถานการณ์
  • laboratory: a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc - ห้องปฏิบัติการ, ห้องทดลอง
  • local: in or related to the area that you live, or to the particular area that you are talking about - ท้องถิ่น
  • mass: large amounts or numbers - ปริมาณมาก จำนวนมาก
  • mutation: a change in the genes of a plant or animal that causes it to become different from others of its type - การกลายพันธุ์
  • outbreak: the sudden start of a disease - การระบาดของโรค
  • positive (adj): showing clear evidence that a particular substance or medical condition is present มีประจุบวก (การทดสอบ) - มีประจุบวก (การทดสอบ)
  • praise: an expression of strong approval or admiration - การยกย่อง, การชื่นชม
  • saliva: the liquid produced by glands in your mouth - น้ำลาย
  • swab (noun): an act of taking a sample from somebody's body, with a swab - การเก็บตัวอย่างโดยใช้ฟองน้ำ ผ้า สำลีหรือวัตถุซับอื่น ๆ
  • tackle: to make an organised and determined attempt to deal with something - จัดการ, รับมือ
  • vaccine: a substance which contains a form that is not harmful of a virus and which is given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease which the virus causes - วัคซีน
  • wave: an activity or situation which is happening again or is being repeated after a pause -

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