Low-hanging cable snags motorcyclist by the neck

A motorcyclist is snagged by a low-hanging cable and plucked off his bike on Ban Kok Road in tambon Ban Ped of Muang district, Khon Kaen, on Monday afternoon. (Photo supplied)
A motorcyclist is snagged by a low-hanging cable and plucked off his bike on Ban Kok Road in tambon Ban Ped of Muang district, Khon Kaen, on Monday afternoon. (Photo supplied)

A young man was caught by the neck and yanked off his moving motorcycle by a low-hanging overhead cable in Khon Kaen on Monday afternoon.

The motorcyclist, who was wearing a full-face helmet, recovered, picked up his damaged bike and later rode off, but a video of the incident went viral.

The video showed the motorcyclist being caught across the neck by a loose communications cable and falling heavily onto the ground as his bike toppled and slid along the road.

Local vendors said that luckily the motorcyclist was not speeding. He got up and had a red mark across his neck, but a moment later rode his motorcycle away.

His name was not known.

The two said it was not the first time an accident like this had happened, but those responsible for the cables never bothered to fix them.

Local people had tried to raise up the low hanging cables, but they would just drop down again. On Monday, a passing truck had hit and pulled down the cable just before the motorcyclist arrived.


  • bother: to spend time and/or energy doing something - ทำให้ตัวเองยุ่งยาก, ยุ่งกับ
  • cable: thick strong metal rope used on ships, for supporting bridges, etc. - สายเคเบิ้ล, เชือกหรือเหล็กเส้นขนาดใหญ่
  • helmet: a strong hard hat that covers and protects the head - หมวกกันน็อก
  • mark: a small area of dirt, a spot or a cut on a surface that spoils its appearance - รอย
  • responsible for: to have a duty to do something - มีความรับผิดชอบ
  • snagged (adj): having become caught or torn on something rough or sharp - ติด
  • vendors: people who sell things, e.g., food or newspapers, usually outside on the street - พ่อค้าแม่่ค้าหาบแร่แผงลอย
  • viral: (of a video, photo, story, etc.) spread across the internet very quickly (like a virus spreading a disease) as people share it with their friends or the news media reports on it - แพร่กระจายผ่านทางอินเทอร์เน็ตอย่างรวดเร็ว
  • yanked: to pull something/somebody away hard, quickly and suddenly - กระชาก, ดึงอย่างแรง
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