Illegal migrants rounded up after murder

Illegal Myanmar migrants are arrested in a rented room in tambon Ban Phru of Hat Yai district, Songkhla, on Thursday night. (Photo: Assawin Pakkawan)
Illegal Myanmar migrants are arrested in a rented room in tambon Ban Phru of Hat Yai district, Songkhla, on Thursday night. (Photo: Assawin Pakkawan)

More than 100 illegal Myanmar migrants were arrested when officials raided rented houses in Hat Yai district on Thursday night following the murder of a local man.

Officials said 109 illegal Myanmar nationals were arrested from 12 rooms at two rented houses.

Police had earlier arrested about 60 illegal migrants following the discovery of the gagged and bound body of Maddol Binsan, 40, on Wednesday morning.

Police believe he was murdered and buried in forest near a golf course after he came across a camp of illegal Myanmar job seekers waiting to be smuggled to Malaysia.

He was last seen in surveillance camera footage leaving his house to go fishing on Tuesday afternoon.

The head of tambon Banphru said smugglers and illegal migrants were the prime suspects.

Maddol had not had any conflict with any local people.

The murder had scared local people, because most of them worked as rubber tappers, and rose early to go into the forest and work at rubber plantations, the head said.


  • camp: a place where athletes (boxers, footballers, etc.) train, or workers live - ค่าย
  • conflict: an angry disagreement between people or groups - ความขัดแย้ง
  • gag: to put a piece of cloth in or over somebody’s mouth to prevent them from speaking or shouting -
  • illegal: against the law - ผิดกฎหมาย, นอกกฎหมาย
  • migrants (noun): people who travel to another place or country in order to find work - ผู้อพยพ, คนงานต่างถิ่น
  • plantation (n): a large farm where crops such as tea, coffee, cotton, sugar or trees, are grown - ไร่ นาขนาดใหญ่
  • prime suspect: the person police think is most likely to have committed a crime -
  • smuggle: to take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally - ลักลอบนำเข้า
  • surveillance camera: a camera kept in a place to record what happens there, especially criminal activity - กล้องวงจรปิดเพื่อรักษาการความปลอดภัย
  • tapping (noun): cutting into a tree in order to get liquid from it - การกรีดยาง
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