Mother wants B66m for daughter's death

Nitaya Rungsathit, mother of the medical student killed by a bus on Khon Kaen University campus, arrives at Muang police station in Khon Kaen for talks with university representatives. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)
Nitaya Rungsathit, mother of the medical student killed by a bus on Khon Kaen University campus, arrives at Muang police station in Khon Kaen for talks with university representatives. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)

The mother of a medical student who died in an accident on the Khon Kaen University campus on Aug 10 is seeking 66 million baht compensation from the university.

Arunnapa Watanapanich, 19, a second-year student in the faculty of medicine, was hit by a bus operated by the university's faculty of nursing at a T-junction on the campus.

Her mother, Nitaya Rungsathit, 55, is seeking compensation from the university.

Police arranged talks between Ms Nitaya, university representatives and the driver of the bus involved.

Police were present as witnesses.

Ms Nitaya said afterwards that she had requested 66 million baht in compensation. The amount was based on Arunnapa having graduated at the age of 25 and worked as a doctor in government service until she retired at 60 with an averaged income of 5,000 baht per day. She would have earned about 66 million baht in total.

The university representatives agreed to present her request to the university council for consideration.

Another meeting had been scheduled for Sept 12, to report their response.

The mother said she had been promised an initial sum of 130,000 baht from the university, but had so far received nothing.

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  • compensation (noun): money that someone receives because something bad has happened to them - การจ่ายเงินชดเชย
  • consideration: giving careful thought to something before making a decision - การคิดพิจารณา
  • council: a group of people chosen to give advice, make rules, do research, provide money - สภา, คณะกรรมการ
  • income: money that someone gets from working or from investing money - รายได้
  • initial: happening at the beginning of a process - ในเบื้องต้น
  • representative: someone who has been chosen or elected by a person or group to vote, give opinions, or make decisions for them - ผู้แทน
  • response: an answer - การตอบ
  • sum: an amount of something, especially money - จำนวนเงิน
  • t-junction: a place where one road meets another without crossing it, forming the shape of a letter T -
  • witness: a person who sees something happen or knows about something - ผู้ที่เห็นเหตุการณ์, พยาน
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