Chinese heading to Phuket, Chiang Mai

Ministers welcome the first group of Chinese tourists to arrive in Thailand at Suvarnbhumi airport on Jan 9. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)
Ministers welcome the first group of Chinese tourists to arrive in Thailand at Suvarnbhumi airport on Jan 9. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

Both Chiang Mai and Phuket are expecting to see a significant rise in air travel on direct flights from China from Jan 18, according to local airport authorities.

There will be one direct flight daily from China to Chiang Mai and three a day to Phuket, with non-stop air links to keep rising between the two countries.

A flight between Shanghai and Chiang Mai is due to begin operating on Jan 18, with another from Guangzhou to Chiang Mai to start two days later, the director of Chiang Mai airport said on Tuesday.

The increase in traffic has been anticipated after China reopened its borders and lifted quarantine restrictions over the weekend.

One Beijing-Chiang Mai flight, another running between Chengdu and Chiang Mai and two more from Shanghai to the same northern Thai city are now awaiting permission, he said.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic started in 2019, Chiang Mai airport received flights operated on 19 routes from China which brought in between 4,000 and 5,000 passengers a day, or 1.78 million people a year, he said.

Tourism businesses in many countries are eager to welcome back Chinese visitors, said the Phuket Tourist Association.

Phuket is considered the top destination in Thailand for Chinese tourists.

On Jan 18, three direct flights are due to arrive in Phuket from China, including two from Shanghai and one from Nanjing, bringing in a combined 500 passengers a day.

Two more direct flights from China are awaiting permission and three are due to begin operating from Jan 24, bringing to eight the number of direct flights between China and Phuket.

The assocoation said Phuket is equipped to contain the spread of the coronavirus should any new waves break out.

Bangkok's night entertainment venues are expected to benefit from the return of Chinese tourists in large numbers in the third and fourth quarters.

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  • anticipate: to expect something - คาดหมาย,มุ่งหวัง
  • association: an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose - สมาคม
  • combined: counted together - รวมกัน
  • direct (adjective): going straight to a place (not "going to other places first" which is "indirect") - ตรงไป, ไม่เบี่ยงเบน
  • eager: wanting to do or get something very much or enthusiastic about something that will happen - กระตือรือร้น
  • equipped: having the necessary supplies, equipment, training, etc. - ครบครัน, ซึ่งมีเครื่องประกอบพร้อม
  • permission: allowing someone to do something - การอนุญาต,การอนุมัติ,การยินยอม
  • quarter (noun): three months of the year on the official calendar of the government or companies - ไตรมาส
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