Delivery driver steals B50K money bouquet

Sunitra Boonyaem, centre, shows a photo of the bouquet made of banknotes she ordered, with the administrator of Sai Mai Tong Rot pointing it out. (Photo: Sai Mai Tong Rot Facebook page)
Sunitra Boonyaem, centre, shows a photo of the bouquet made of banknotes she ordered, with the administrator of Sai Mai Tong Rot pointing it out. (Photo: Sai Mai Tong Rot Facebook page)

A woman wanting to surprise her boyfriend ordered a bouquet made of banknotes worth about 50,000 baht as a gift on his graduation, but the taxi driver making the delivery vanished with the cash.

Sunitra Boonyaem ordered the money flowers online, for delivery on Monday morning, to give to her boyfriend on his graduation from university.

Ms Sunitra had paid 53,550 baht to a flower shop for the bouquet made of banknotes. The delivery was set for 8.30am on Feb 20.  On that day, the shop told her that a taxi driver had already picked up the money bouquet for delivery to her address.

The shop sent a link showing the delivery route online. When the woman checked, she saw the taxi was travelling the route. As it approached her house, it showed the delivery had already been made.

As it had not arrived, she was shocked and immediately phoned the taxi driver to ask where the bouquet was. The driver said someone had already picked it up. She asked him to show her a photo as proof of delivery, but he said he did not take any photos.

According to Ms Sunitra, the cabbie then cut the phone conversation.

The woman then filed a complaint with Bang Sao Thong police. There had been no progress in the case, so she turned to the Sai Mai Tong Rot Facebook page for help.

Her boyfriend said he did not know that his girlfriend planned to give him the cash bouquet as a surprise on his graduation. He had also planned a surprise for her - to ask her to marry him. But when he proposed, he saw tears rolling down her cheeks. At first, he thought she was too happy to speak.

She then explained about the cash bouquet - and that it had disappeared along with the taxi driver.

The Facebook page said its administrator had already contacted police to help find the missing taxi driver.

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  • approach: to move closer to someone or something - เข้าใกล้
  • bouquet: a collection of flowers, cut and tied together in an attractive way - ช่อดอกไม้
  • cabbie: a person whose job is to drive a taxi - คนขับรถแท็กซี่
  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การร้องเรียน
  • graduation: the act of successfully completing a university degree, or studies at an American high school; a ceremony at which degrees, etc. are officially given out - การสำเร็จการศึกษา, การได้รับปริญญา
  • progress: the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or completing something - ความก้าวหน้า
  • proof: information, documents, etc. that show that something is true - การพิสูจน์
  • propose (verb): to ask someone to get married to you - ขอแต่งงาน
  • route: the roads used to go from one place to another - เส้นทาง
  • shocked: very surprised and upset - ตกใจ
  • surprise (verb): to make somebody feel surprised (a feeling caused by something happening suddenly or unexpectedly) - ทำให้ประหลาดใจ, ทำให้แปลกใจ, ทำให้ตื่นใจ
  • vanish: to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way - หายไป
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