More Covid-19 cases expected after Songkran

Thousands of people gathered at Naris bridge in the Surat Thani Municipality to celebrate the last day of Songkran on Saturday night. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)
Thousands of people gathered at Naris bridge in the Surat Thani Municipality to celebrate the last day of Songkran on Saturday night. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)

The Department of Disease Control (DDC) expects the Covid-19 caseload to rise after the Songkran Festival because of people's activities during the festival and their travel.

The DDC said the number of cases after Songkran may be higher than after the New Year when measures against Covid-19 were relaxed.

It said between April 9-15, 435 new infections were admitted into hospitals for treatment, an average of 62 per day or 2.5 times higher than the previous week.

During the period, there were two fatalities.

The DDC said most of those admitted for treatment in hospitals during this time are not in a serious condition because they had previously been vaccinated or had the disease.

After Songkran, people are advised to keep themselves under observation for at least seven days and avoid close contact with the elderly or people with chronic diseases.

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  • case: a particular situation or a situation of a particular type - กรณี, เหตุการณ์, สถานการณ์
  • chronic (adj): (of a disease, pain or problem) serious and lasting for a long time - เป็นประจำ
  • condition: the physical state of a person or animal, especially how healthy they are - อาการ, สุขภาพ
  • disease (noun): a health problem and problem with a person's body, often caused by an infection, either from a bacteria or virus - โรค
  • fatality: a death caused by an illness, accident, crime or war - การเสียชีวิต
  • measures: actions that are intended to achieve or deal with something - มาตราการ
  • observation: the process of watching someone or something carefully, in order to find something out - การสังเกต
  • relaxed (adj): (of a rule, control, condition, etc.) less strict - เข้มงวดน้อยลง
  • treatment: the process of providing medical care - การรักษา
  • vaccinate: to give someone a vaccine, usually by injection (putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle and a syringe), to prevent them from getting a disease - ฉีดวัคซีน
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