Dengue fever cases predicted to rise

A Wang Thonglang district official sprays fogging chemicals in a residential area in Soi Lat Phrao 69 on Lat Phrao Road to prevent the spread of mosquitoes that cause dengue fever. (File photo)
A Wang Thonglang district official sprays fogging chemicals in a residential area in Soi Lat Phrao 69 on Lat Phrao Road to prevent the spread of mosquitoes that cause dengue fever. (File photo)

Thailand is currently facing what many experts predict will become a severe dengue fever outbreak, with up to 150,000 infections possible by the end of the year, according to the Department of Disease Control (DDC).

Opas Karnkawinpong, permanent secretary for public health, said on Monday the number of dengue cases has already surged this year, with over 30,000 cases and 33 deaths recorded so far.

"The ministry is highly concerned about the increasing number of dengue infections. They may reach up to 150,000 cases this year if preventive measures fail," he said.

In the past, infections were mostly found among children, but now the disease has been widely detected among adults and senior citizens, he said.

"People are now travelling more from one place to another place after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. That's why they are more vulnerable to catching the disease.

"We want to raise awareness, and people should urgently visit a doctor if they feel that they are having symptoms related to dengue. With screening and early detection, we can save lives," he said.

He went on to say that the vaccine against dengue fever is very new and needs further study before widespread use can be considered.

The North is the main hotspot for infections, followed by the Central Plains and the South and Northeast. The death rate is 0.11%.

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  • dengue fever: a very serious illness that you get if a mosquito infected with a particular virus bites you. Dengue fever causes fever, headaches, and pain in the joints - ไข้เลือดออก
  • detection: the process of proving that something is present or how something has happened using scientific methods - การพบ,การสืบหา,การตรวจพบ
  • hotspot: a place where there is a lot of activity, or a higher temperature than normal -
  • infection: a disease or medical condition that is caused by a bacteria or by a virus or a parasite - การติดเชื้อ
  • predict: to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience - คาดการณ์ว่า พยากรณ์จากสถิติว่า
  • preventive measure: an action which is intended to try to stop something that causes problems or difficulties from happening - มาตรการป้องกัน
  • surge: to increase very quickly - เพิ่มขึ้นอย่างรวดเร็ว
  • symptoms (noun): signs that someone has an illness - อาการ
  • vaccine: a substance which contains a form that is not harmful of a virus and which is given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease which the virus causes - วัคซีน
  • widespread: happening or existing in many places, or affecting many people - อย่างแพร่หลาย
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