15 policemen jailed over dinner-party murder

Praween Chankhlai surrenders to police on Sept 7, 2023, after an associate murdered a highway policeman at a party at his home in Nakhon Pathom province on Sept 6. (Photo: Police)
Praween Chankhlai surrenders to police on Sept 7, 2023, after an associate murdered a highway policeman at a party at his home in Nakhon Pathom province on Sept 6. (Photo: Police)

The Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases has sentenced 15 policemen and seven civilians to prison in connection with the murder of a highway policeman during a dinner party at the home of an influential kamnan last year.

Four policemen were each sentenced to two years and the 11 others to 16 months each, on charges of malfeasance. Three of the sentences were suspended. One other was found not guilty of the charge. 

All attended a dinner hosted by Praween Chankhlai at his house in Muang district of Nakhon Pathom province on Sept 6, 2023.  Praween is known locally as Kamman Nok, and was an influential tambon chief in the province.

The deadly dinner party ended with the murder of Pol Maj Sivakorn Saibua, a highway policeman, in full view of the other guests by a gunman who arrived at the function. Many of the guests were senior police officers who made no effort to stop or capture the killer.

The gunman fled to Kanchanaburi province where he was shot dead by police. He was a close associate of Praween.

The murder was about an argument over a promotion.

Praween, who has been detained at Bangkok Remand Prison since his surrender, was sentenced to two years behind bars.

All seven civilians were found guilty of supporting the police defendants in their dereliction of duty during the fatal meal.

Praween still faces a more serious charge of being the alleged mastermind of the murder of Pol Maj Sivakorn. He turned himself in the day after the shooting. 

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  • associate: someone you work with, especially in a business - ที่ร่วมมือกัน
  • capture: to catch someone or something; to take someone as a prisoner - จับ, จับกุม
  • civilians (noun): people who are not members of the police or armed forces or government agencies - พลเรือน
  • dereliction of duty: a serious failure to do the things that you are responsible for in your job - การละทิ้งหน้าที่
  • influential: of a person or group who has the power to affect a situation - มีอิทธิพล
  • kamnan (noun): the head of a tambon, a group of villages - กำนัน
  • malfeasance: illegal actions, especially by a person in authority - การใช้อำนาจไปในทางที่ผิด
  • mastermind: someone who plans a difficult or complicated operation, especially a crime - คนวางแผน
  • promotion (noun): moving to a higher level; moving to a job at a higher level - การเลื่อนตำแหน่ง
  • sentence : (of a court of law) to give a punishment - ลงโทษ
  • suspend a sentence: a situation when the court decides that the person who has been proven guilty of a crime does not have to undergo the punishment given, usually under certain conditions - รอลงอาญา
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