Luxury yacht damaged by fire in Phuket

Smoke billows from the Obsession II in Chalong Bay, Phuket, on Monday afternoon. (Photo: RTN/ Achadthaya Chuenniran)
Smoke billows from the Obsession II in Chalong Bay, Phuket, on Monday afternoon. (Photo: RTN/ Achadthaya Chuenniran)

Marine officials are investigating the cause of a fire that extensively damaged a luxury yacht moored in Phuket's Chalong Bay on Monday afternoon.

The Royal Thai Navy was alerted about 3pm and sent two boats to the scene. They reported the 34.2-metre sailing yacht Obsession II was anchored, unattended and "continuously burning".

The fire burned for three and a half hours before firefighters were able to control the blaze. There were no crew members on board when the fire started.

Firefighters tried to use equipment on board the yacht but were forced to leave the vessel for their own safety.

The navy was called to help. Two other boats, including a speedboat, were also reported at the scene to help extinguish the blaze.

The full extent of the damage was still being assessed.


  • alert: to tell someone in about a danger or problem so that they can take action to deal with it - เตือนภัย
  • anchor: to prevent a boat from moving by dropping a large very heavy object (an anchor) connected to the ship into the water - ทอดสมอ
  • assess (verb): to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment - ประเมิณ, ประเมิณสถานการณ์
  • blaze: a fire - เพลิง
  • crew members (noun): the people who work on a ship, aircraft, television programme, etc. - กลุ่มคนที่ทำงานร่วมกัน, ลูกเรือ
  • extent: size - ขนาด
  • extinguish: to put out a fire - ดับไฟ
  • unattended: without the owner present; not being watched or cared for - ไม่มีใครดูแล, ไม่มีใครเฝ้าดู
  • vessel: a boat or ship - เรือ
  • yacht: a large expensive boat that is often used for racing or sailing - เรือยอชท์, เรือท่องเที่ยว,เรือเที่ยวเล่น,เรือแข่ง
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