Big fire in Chinatown

Trok Pho community in Yaowarat is on fire late Saturday night. (Photo: Warunwipa Kasempongpanit)
Trok Pho community in Yaowarat is on fire late Saturday night. (Photo: Warunwipa Kasempongpanit)

A fire in a packed community in Yaowarat, Bangkok's Chinatown, was brought under control late Saturday night. There were no deaths but 30 people required medical treatment.

The blaze began in Trok Pho community on Yaowarat Road about 8.42pm on Saturday. The 3,200-square-metre  community was packed with about 60 wooden houses.

About 40 fire engines were deployed and firefighters declared the fire under control at 11.16pm.

The fire damaged part of the New Empire Hotel.

There were about 30 people reported injured, most of them senior citizens suffering from smoke inhalation. There were no fatalities reported.

A section of Yaowarat Road was temporarily closed for public safety.

About 280 people were affected and have sought assistance. Some took shelter at local temples, and most were workers from other provinces and neighbouring countries.

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  • assistance: help; aid - ความช่วยเหลือ
  • blaze: a fire - เพลิง
  • community: the people living in one particular area - ชุมชน
  • deploy: to put in place ready for use - นำมาใช้
  • fatality: a death caused by an illness, accident, crime or war - การเสียชีวิต
  • inhalation: the process of breathing in - การหายใจเข้า
  • packed: crowded; full of people or things - แน่น
  • senior citizen: someone who is more than 60 years old - ผู้สูงอายุ, ผู้อาวุโส
  • shelter: a temporary place to stay - ที่พักชั่วคราว

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