Two dead after family car argument

The crashed white sedan in which an arguing couple were killed and their two children injured, on Suk Prayun road in Phan Thong disdrict, Chonburi, on Sunday night. (Photo: Chonburi Dragon Rescue Facebook page)
The crashed white sedan in which an arguing couple were killed and their two children injured, on Suk Prayun road in Phan Thong disdrict, Chonburi, on Sunday night. (Photo: Chonburi Dragon Rescue Facebook page)

A car accident caused by a couple arguing resulted in the death of both parents and injuries to their two children, who were travelling with them, police said. 

Their car crashed into a power pole in Chonburi province on Sunday night.

The husband, Siraphop, and wife, Natchareeya, both aged 41, were killed. Two children were found injured in the car, rescue workers said. 

A pickup truck parked nearby had rear-end damage and was believed to have been hit by the car. 

The two children told rescuers their parents had been arguing loudly before the crash. Their father was driving. Their mother had suddenly grabbed and pulled on the handbrake and the car spun out of control. It hit the parked pickup and then a power pole beside the road. 

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  • argue: to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them; to give reasons why you think that something is right/wrong, true/not true, etc, especially to persuade people that you are right - โต้เถียง, โต้แย้ง, เถียง, อ้างเหตุผล
  • argument: a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily - การโต้แย้ง, การแย้ง, การโต้เถียง
  • damage (noun): physical harm caused to something which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable - ความเสียหาย
  • handbrake (n): the emergency or parking brake on a car that stops it moving -
  • injured (adj): hurt in an accident, natural disaster, attack, etc. - ได้รับบาดเจ็บ
  • pole: a long thin stick, or piece of wood or concrete, often used for holding or supporting something - เสา, หลัก, คาน
  • rescue worker: a person who save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation - ผู้ช่วยชีวิต
  • spin (past: spun) (verb): to turn round and round quickly; to make something do this - หมุน

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