Homeless people take over busy bus shelter

Homeless people asleep at the bus stop in front of The Mall Lifestore in Bang Kapi district, Bangkok, on the night of July 28. (Screenshot from a TikTok account Jeeraporn.ning)
Homeless people asleep at the bus stop in front of The Mall Lifestore in Bang Kapi district, Bangkok, on the night of July 28. (Screenshot from a TikTok account Jeeraporn.ning)

Officials will step up inspections of Bangkok bus stops after five homeless people were found sleeping in the passenger shelter at a stop outside a busy city mall on Monday night.

Police and staff from the Human Security Emergency Management Centre (HuSEC) were sent on Monday night to investigate a report that homeless people had taken over a bus stop outside The Mall Lifestore in Bang Kapi district. 

They found five people asleep on the seats — day labourers who could not afford accommodation, former convicts and old people living without support from their families. 

They were offered assistance and support by HuSEC, but preferred to stay outside the welfare system, the Social Development and Human Security Minister said.

They were made to leave the bus shelter, which is for the use of passengers, but could not be forced to enter the welfare system

A bus commuter had earlier posted a video on TikTok on Sunday night showing homeless people sleeping in the bus shelter outside the mall about 11pm. The post attracted a lot of opinions and concern. 

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  • convict: someone who is or has been in prison because they have committed a crime - นักโทษ, ผู้ที่ถูกตัดสินว่ามีความผิด
  • force (verb): to make someone do something that they don't want to do - บังคับ
  • homeless (adj): having no home - ไร้ที่อยู่
  • investigate: to try to find out the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it - ตรวจสอบหาความจริง
  • labourer: a person whose job involves hard physical work that is not skilled, especially work that is done outdoors - กรรมกร, ผู้ใช้แรงงาน
  • shelter: a place where people are protected from danger or bad weather; a temporary place to stay - ที่หลบภัย  ที่พักชั่วคราว
  • system (noun): a particular way of doing something; an organised set of ideas or theories - ระบบ, หลักการ
  • welfare: help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it; good care and living conditions - สวัสดิการ

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