Thailand mpox case could be new strain

Dr Thongchai Keeratihattayakorn gives details of what is possibly Thailand's first case of Clade 1b strain mpox, at the Department of Disease Control in Nonthaburi province on Wednesday afternoon. (Screenshot)
Dr Thongchai Keeratihattayakorn gives details of what is possibly Thailand's first case of Clade 1b strain mpox, at the Department of Disease Control in Nonthaburi province on Wednesday afternoon. (Screenshot)

The Department of Disease Control (DDC) said on Wednesday that Thailand may have its first case of a new, more transmissible strain of mpox.

The patient had arrived from Africa and the health of 43 passengers seated near him on the plane was being closely monitored.

The DDC said the patient was a 66-year-old European man who had a residence in Thailand and worked in Africa, where mpox is endemic.

He had arrived back in Thailand from Africa on Aug 14.

The following morning, last Thursday, he had a fever and noticed he had a number of small rashes. He quickly went to a hospital for an examination.

He was diagnosed with mpox, a viral disease.

The initial examination found it was not the previously found Clade 2 strain. Health officials were awaiting the results of further tests and would confirm if it was a Clade 1b-type infection. This was a more transmissible strain.

The DDC said the patient had no serious symptoms

Thailand's first case of mpox was reported in 2022 and was Clade 2 strain. There have been about 800 cases of Clade 2 mpox since then, 140 of them this year, the DDC said.

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  • endemic: regularly found in a particular place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of - ประจำท้องถิ่น
  • fever: an abnormally high body temperature - ไข้
  • monitor: to regularly check someone/something - จับตาดู เฝ้าระมัดระวัง
  • patient: someone who is receiving medical treatment - คนป่วย, คนไข้
  • rash: an area of red spots that appear on your skin when you are ill or have a bad reaction to something that you have eaten or touched - ผื่นคัน
  • residence: a place where someone lives - ที่พำนัก ที่อาศัย
  • strain: a particular type of virus, animal, insect, or plant  - สายพันธุ์
  • symptoms (noun): signs that someone has an illness - อาการ
  • transmissible: (of a disease) able to be passed on from one person to another -
  • viral (adj.): related to a virus, coming from a virus - เกี่ยวกับไวรัส, ซึ่งเกิดจากไวรัส
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