Dead whale found in Phuket bay

The dead whale near the shore in the south of Koh Racha, Phuket, on Saturday. It is being examined to find the cause of death. (Photo: Ko Racha Network)
The dead whale near the shore in the south of Koh Racha, Phuket, on Saturday. It is being examined to find the cause of death. (Photo: Ko Racha Network)

A large dead whale was found floating in a bay off the Koh Racha shore in Phuket's tambon Rawai on Saturday.

The decomposing carcass was found by local residents in Laem Sai bay, in the south of Koh Racha.

The Phuket Marine Biological Centre of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources on Sunday sent experts by boat to Laem Sai bay to examine it.

The carcass was towed to Phuket island. It was about 17 metres long and weighed an estimated 3 tonnes and was believed to have been dead three or four weeks.

It was being examined by veterinarians to find the cause of death and identify the species.


  • carcass: the body of a dead animal - ซาก
  • decompose: to be destroyed gradually by natural chemical processes - ทำให้เน่าเปื่อย
  • marine: relating to the sea and creatures that live in it - เกี่ยวกับทะเล
  • tonne: (or ton) 1,000 kilogrammes -
  • tow: to pull a vehicle or boat by fixing it to the back of a another vehicle or boat - ลากจูง
  • veterinarian: a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals - สัตวแพทย์
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