Mother knows best

Photo courtesy of Sahamongkol Film International
Photo courtesy of Sahamongkol Film International

A girl is raised by a robot, but what's outside their home?

After a world war kills most humans and contaminates the Earth’s surface, Daughter is the first of a new generation of humans to be raised by Mother – a kind robot, programmed to repopulate the lifeless planet.

As Daughter matures into her teens, she outgrows the bunker she calls home and begins to question the nature of the world around her. One dark and lonely night, she plans to defy her protective “Mother” and explore the Earth’s toxic surface for herself. But as she nears the bunker’s door, she hears the pained cries of a woman, bleeding from a gunshot wound – begging for help.

Shocked by the Woman’s existence, Daughter takes her in. The Woman informs Daughter the surface is habitable and that the only threat outside the bunker is artificial intelligence – responsible for killing the humans. When the Woman learns that the girl’s only parent is a robot, she pleads with Daughter to return her to the surface before it’s too late. But Daughter is not quick to part with the first human she’s ever met and hands the Woman over to Mother, insisting that she save her.

Mother gives medical aid and confesses to Daughter that the Woman’s claims about A.I. are correct – though not applicable to herself. Mother reassures Daughter that she had no choice but to shield her from the truth to preserve their relationship. Daughter learns anything she can about their new guest, where she came from, and whether or not there are other survivors in need of shelter.

But the Woman’s trust is not easily gained. After Woman tries to kill Mother, she’s locked up and Daughter learns that she has been living in underground mines with other refugees. The Woman offers to welcome Daughter into her “family” – if Daughter sets her free and leaves Mother, who she insists is a threat to them both.

Who will Daughter trust? Find out when I Am Mother opens in cinemas on August 8.


  • applicable: relevant to or affecting a particular situation -
  • artificial intelligence: an area of study concerned with making computers copy intelligent human behaviour - ปัญญาประดิษฐ์
  • bunker: a strongly built shelter for soldiers or guns, usually underground - หลุมหลบภัย, ที่กำบัง
  • contaminated: made dirty, polluted or poisonous by the addition of a chemical, waste or infection - ปนเปื้อน
  • defy: to refuse to obey or accept someone or something - ท้า, เป็นปฏิปักษ์ต่อ
  • existence: the state of being a real or living thing - การมีชีวิตอยู่
  • habitable (adj): suitable for people to live in - ซึ่งอาศัยอยู่ได้
  • lifeless (adj): dead or appearing to be dead - ที่ตาย, ที่ไม่มีลมหายใจ
  • plead: to ask for something in an emotional way - ขอร้อง, วิงวอน
  • refugee: someone who leaves their country or living place, especially during a war or other threatening event - ผู้ลี้ภัย
  • shelter: a place where animals are protected - โรงเลี้ยงสัตว์, สถานที่ที่ปลอดภัยสำหรับสัตว์
  • toxic: poisonous and harmful to people, animals or the environment - เป็นพิษ
  • trust: a feeling of confidence in someone that shows you believe they are honest, fair, and reliable - ความเชื่อใจ, ความไว้วางใจ
  • wound: an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged - บาดแผล

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