Christmas cheer

Photo courtesy of UIP Thailand
Photo courtesy of UIP Thailand

Girl meets boy in cold, Christmas London

In the holiday romcom Last Christmas, Kate wanders around London, making bad decisions accompanied by the sound of bells on her shoes, another irritating consequence of her job as an elf in a Christmas shop. Tom seems too good to be true when he walks into her life and starts to see through so many of Kate’s barriers. As London transforms at the most wonderful time of the year, nothing should work for these two. But sometimes, you should listen to your heart, and, as George Michael sang, you gotta have faith.

Set in London during the 2017 holiday, Last Christmas features the music of George Michael and Wham!, including the holiday classic of the film’s title. The film also premieres brand-new unreleased material by the legendary Grammy Award-winning artist, who sold more than 115 million albums and recorded 10 No. 1 singles over the course of his iconic career.

Get some festive cheer when Last Christmas opens in cinemas on December 10.


  • accompanied by: to happen or exist while something else is happening -
  • barrier: anything that prevents people from being together or understanding each other - อุปสรรค
  • cheer: an atmosphere of happiness - ความสดชื่นรื่นเริง
  • consequence: result of effect of something - ผลที่ตามมา
  • elf (plural elves): a small imaginary person with magic powers - เทพยดา
  • faith: trust in somebody's ability or knowledge; trust that somebody/something will do what has been promised - ศรัทธา
  • festive: connected with a festival or celebration - รื่นเริง, เกี่ยวกับเทศกาล
  • iconic: well known and acting as a sign or symbol of something - มีชื่อเสียงและเป็นสัญลักษณ์แทนบาง
  • irritate: to make someone feel annoyed or impatient - หงุดหงิด รำคาญใจ
  • romcom (n): a romantic comedy film -
  • wander: roam; to travel from place to place without a particular direction or purpose - เดินทางไปโดยไม่มีจุดหมายที่แน่นอน, ร่อนเร่

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