Your horoscope for July 19-25
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Your horoscope for July 19-25


Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.

Note:- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol- You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Brace yourself for an abrupt change of plans or restructure at the office that forces you out of your comfort zone. You may feel anxious about it but it'll turn out to be good in the long run.

(₿) Stay thrifty as you may have to pay for something you don't see coming. Should you need extra cash, your parents can lend you some with a zero interest rate. Your friends or online communities bring you opportunities. 

(♥) A heated argument between spouses over different parenting styles and/or money management may occur. Unmarried couples may be nudged by their parents to tie the knot. 

(⚤) Your new admirer is likely to be older and has deep pockets. You may meet them through work or be introduced to them by a Cupid cousin. However, they're quite serious and may not get your humour. 

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) You become more creative and proactive next week. You surpass your own expectations and accomplish more than you usually do. Conflicts may become opportunities to demonstrate your leadership and inspire colleagues. Your supervisor recognises your hard work.

(₿) In addition to your main income, a freelance job is on the cards. The more people you know, the more opportunities come your way. You enjoy shopping only after you stash away money into your savings first. 

(♥) Couples can talk about any topic with each other. They treat each other with the same respect whether at home or in public. They inspire each other to do more in life instead of competing. 

(⚤) Love at first sight/swipe may happen to those who are inexperienced with dating. Those who are jaded with dating may meet someone from another culture who makes their hearts flutter again.

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) If you can't seem to make progress on something, you may experience a eureka moment. Important paperwork or equipment should arrive on time. Your request for a pay raise or more resources will be fairly met. You may be offered a promotion. An opportunity you missed out on may come back. 

(₿) You make more money but you also spend more. You spend more money to maintain a higher living standard. You treat yourself to a few luxuries and regret nothing. Yolo, amirite? 

(♥) Different viewpoints on money may cause tension. You may tell a white lie in order to keep the peace. Your sexy time may not be frequent but it's quite fiery every time. 

(⚤) If you're trying to rekindle an old flame, your ex starts to lower their guard and let you back in. If you've never been kissed, your first time will be with someone you really like.  

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) You may almost miss a deadline or two because of lazy colleagues. Be ready for meetings that could have been emails. If you're trying to do something new, brace yourself for naysayers. Prove them wrong. Freelancers, don't work for anyone for exposure no matter how famous they are.

(₿) Money goes out more than it comes in. You may fall behind with your savings goal. Real inflation and lifestyle inflation eat up your income. Beware of online shopping scams. Read contracts twice before signing your name. 

(♥) Couples may argue because they have different future goals. You may prefer slow living while your partner wants an exciting life, or vice versa. A friend in common may be the cause of a fight between you two.

(⚤) You may experience a romantic spark with someone from another age bracket or a different socioeconomic background. If you're seeing someone in secret, you may find out that you're not the only one they're seeing.

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) You have to perform many tasks outside your job description. You spend the next week figuring out new tools and tech that can benefit your job. You may have to be a mediator between colleagues who don't get along. If you work in the service industry, your happy customers bring you new customers. 

(₿) You may reward yourself with something from your wish list. If you're waiting for a refund or compensation, it'll arrive as expected. If you win a lottery or prize, keep it to yourself, otherwise, someone may ask you for a handout. 

(♥) Couples may have to face a difficult situation together. They grow closer after weathering a figurative storm together. Your sexy time may be infrequent but it'll be quite explosive every time. 

(⚤) You may meet someone who's physically your type but you also quickly learn that you're one of their several admirers. If you're up for competition, give your best to this love race.  

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sep 22

(⏰) Your workload is heavier but you can handle anything. You know the right tools and technology to make your job easier. Conflicts may become opportunities for cooperation and reconciliation. You may go out with your team to celebrate a collective well done job.

(₿) Whether you're trying to sell your assets or someone else's, you should be able to close a deal soon. A windfall or reward may fall into your lap. Your friend may treat you to a meal or present you with a gift. If you have debts, you'll be able to pay off at least one of them. 

(♥) A healthy argument makes couples understand each other more. They may share LMAO and silly moments this weekend. They put more effort and time into their sexy time. 

(⚤) Those inexperienced with dating may experience love at first sight/swipe. If you're on the rebound, you'll finally get over your last relationship and actively seek love again.

♎ Libra

Sep 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) Brace yourself for a heavier workload and unusual tasks. You may have to work alongside someone you don't like or feel intimidated by. Meetings may turn toxic as people try to blame others for their shortcomings. You have to work harder to achieve the same level of success.

(₿) A spending spree to boost your mood is on the cards but you won't regret anything. Your friend or online community bring you freelance opportunities. If you want to make a new investment, beware of fake news or misleading advertisements.  

(♥) If you're friendly with your ex, they may do or say something that greatly upsets your partner. If you don't keep in contact with your ex, there won't be any drama in your relationship. 

(⚤) A rejection is possible when you ask someone out on a date. They make it clear that you're a friend to them and they fancy someone else. If you're trying to rekindle an old flame, your ex's cousin and friend may become hostile.  

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) Due to unclear direction from higher-ups, you may have to spend more time on certain tasks than you have to. A certain colleague may be uncooperative and slow to respond to your request. Your content or ads may go viral because of their controversial nature.

(₿) A financial negotiation may be postponed as one party can't prepare the necessary documents in time. It may cost you a pretty penny to repair damage on your house, garden or car caused by rain so stay thrifty just in case. Your wants can wait. 

(♥) Distrust and conflict expectations are on the cards for couples. They may need a heart-to-heart to address underlying issues in their relationship. Unmarried couples may face parental disapproval for their plan to get wedded as they think it's too soon. 

(⚤) You may fall head over heels for someone in your professional network. You two may agree to see each other in secret to avoid being gossiped about. Someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect.

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) You may have to revise an assignment that you already forgot about. Regardless of where you work from, you know how to work smart and get things done on time. A negotiation over pay may go better than expected. Business owners attract new customers with a new service.   

(₿) Your cost of living may be higher than expected but your income increases faster. No scammers can fool you. You may be able to negotiate for lower interest rates on your debts. 

(♥) Couples can talk openly about anything. They treat each other the same way whether at home or in public. They continue to be each other's sources of support, comfort and wisdom. They learn to give and take more fairly.

(⚤) You may unknowingly catch the attention of someone you meet through work. If you're casually dating someone, they may show signs that they want to be exclusive with you.

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) A broken promise may prevent you from making full progress. You may not be able to do as much as you usually do but it's not your fault. A project may be put on hold and you may be asked to shift your focus to other tasks, in the meantime. Someone may try to steal your secret to success. 

(₿) Your income may be lower than usual. However, you still make enough money to cover your bills. A good friend may treat you with an expensive dinner. Beware of new forms of scams. Be mindful of your belongings when you travel abroad. 

(♥) Faithful couples bicker and banter in moderation. They try to understand things from their partner's POV more. If you're two-timing, you may get caught in the act and end up getting dumped.   

(⚤) You meet someone who's physically your type. However, they may find you awkward if you come across as eager to please them or are too available. 

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) If you can't seem to make progress on something, you may experience a eureka moment and a surge of renewed energy to tackle it with full force. Regardless of where you work from, you achieve all that you set out to do. No one can call you a slacker.

(₿) You may receive valuable insider info or a gift that holds sentimental value. A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You're more mindful of your spending. What you lost will be found. 

(♥) Couples come up with ways to improve their relationship. They put more effort and time into their love and may fall in love with each other again. If your baby is due soon, they will arrive in this world with zero complications. 

(⚤) Your quirky side may attract someone to you unexpectedly. Sometimes you don't understand why people like you for something you don't find likeable about yourself. If you've been chatting with someone online, you may soon meet them for the first date. 

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) Your workload may become heavier due to unexpected changes in plans. You may have to perform tasks outside your job description. Someone may conceal crucial info and make your job more difficult than it has to be.

(₿) Extra income from a freelance job or side hustle is on the cards. You can pay all of your bills and keep up with repayment obligations if you have any. Beware of Ponzi schemes in the guise of investment.

(♥) Your relationship feels like a rollercoaster. You two love hard and fight hard. You wonder if your partner is your soulmate or karmic partner who was brought to you to resolve unfinished issues from past lives.   

(⚤) If you confess your attraction to someone, not only they may reject you but also try to disappear from your life. It may feel like an insult but you will get over this soon.

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