Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.
- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
- You can also view previous ones at
♈ Aries
Mar 21 – Apr 19
(⏰) Paperwork and communication will progress smoothly. Your creativity stands out, earning you recognition from colleagues. If you have new plans in mind, next week presents the perfect opportunity to talk to higher-ups. Your friends might have some exciting news or career opportunities to share, so check in with them.
(₿) Income from a new source or someone close is on the cards. You can afford to spend more but watch your spending on entertainment and relaxation. There could be some surprise expenses coming up, but your wallet stays thick.
(♥) There might be some unspoken or unresolved issues with your partner. You might need more alone time or spend time with friends or family to give your partner some time to work on their issues. Once you two talk things through, everything will be fine.
(⚤) If you're in a situationship, you may feel like it has reached a dead end and decide to cut your losses. Although you meet a new admirer or two, you're not in relationship mode. It's okay to take things slow and enjoy the single life.
♉ Taurus
Apr 20 – May 20
(⏰) Cool ideas may pop up when you stop trying. Your boss will give you more freedom to make decisions and let you pursue your ideas. Be ready for colleagues who gossip and refuse to cooperate. Remember, haters gonna hate. Don't let them dim your shine. You'll have one or two supportive colleagues in your corner.
(₿) Try not to splurge, as there may be some surprise bills to pay. You'll get financial advice or help, likely to be from an older guy friend. Plus, there's also a chance to earn some extra cash through behind-the-scenes or informal work. Financial conflicts with loved ones are also on the cards.
(♥) Old issues with your partner might resurface. Your relationship is rocky right now but staying calm and listening to each other can improve it. Be more careful when discussing money and hold off on making any shared investments, for now.
(⚤) Although you may not be looking for a relationship, your natural charm still shines and catches the eye of someone, who's well-connected in your industry, through your work or hobby.
♊ Gemini
May 21 – Jun 20
(⏰) Work will be hectic with many urgent tasks from your main and side jobs. Your bosses and clients may have high expectations. Be careful not to rush things or else you may make communication mistakes. A satisfying payoff awaits at the finish line. If you work for the govt, expect to be part of initiatives that promote transparency.
(₿) Online shopping sprees and leisure splurges might spike. Saving money isn't a priority for you right now. Yolo trumps Yono ATM. However, you'll have no buyer's remorse. Hold off on jumping into big investments. Read the fine print before signing any contracts.
(♥) Due to conflicting schedules, couples don't get to spend much downtime with each other. You feel underappreciated by your partner and vice versa. If you're struggling with something, your partner may have the answer.
(⚤) A new admirer comes on rather aggressively and crudely. This doesn't impress you. If you're feeling overwhelmed (or even violated), state your boundaries firmly.
♋ Cancer
Jun 21 – Jul 22
(⏰) Tasks that need extra thought or attention may be assigned to you but you'll handle them better than you expect. Your creativity and decision-making skills peak. Your colleagues and superiors will back you up with whatever you decide. A new opportunity or cool project will come your way.
(₿) A payment that you're expecting is definitely coming and you might get some extra cash from somewhere unfortunately. However, keep spending low because unexpected expenses may pop up.
(♥) Your love life's gonna be a rollercoaster. You might feel frustrated with your partner but try to stay cool and calmly talk with them. One of you feels like they're not being understood. Don't forget to do something fun together to bring back the spark.
(⚤) A swipe on a dating app while vacationing might ignite a sizzling romance. However, this is unlikely to last so keep your heart open and your expectations realistic. A good friend may introduce you to someone who isn't your type.
♌ Leo
Jul 23 – Aug 22
(⏰) Expectations from higher-ups and clients, and sudden changes in plans may give you the motivation to prove yourself. Be careful not to let work-related stress negatively affect your health. Your friend may have a career opportunity, so catch up with them.
(₿) Money troubles will ease and cash flow will improve. But watch out for impulse buys caused by promotions. Scroll less and you may spend less. Hold off on your plan to make a new investment.
(♥) There may be a few disagreements, but you and your partner will still connect and understand each other. A mature friend's advice could make your relationship more stable. You may get a chance to plan your future together with your partner.
(⚤) You radiate charm and turn heads everywhere. But watch out for people who are already taken or still hung up on their ex as they could create drama. Also, several possible dates in this month can thin your wallet.
♍ Virgo
Aug 23 – Sept 22
(⏰) Work hard but don't neglect your health. Listen to your body. Small things might make you feel grumpy so be mindful of your emotions. Your creativity will help you solve challenges and power through your to-do list. A good opportunity might come up from trying something new.
(₿) Financial conflicts with people close to you are on the cards. Calm communication can find a resolution. Travel may bring good fortune. You'll have the upper hand when negotiating pay or rate. Be extra careful with tempting online deals — research the seller first or you might regret it later.
(♥) Your relationship might hit a few bumps. The romance fades as the emotional distance grows larger. However, you two will eventually find your way back to each other. Let love and understanding be your compass. Don't give up on each other.
(⚤) You may meet someone who catches your eye. Talking to them will feel easy. But be on the lookout for red flags or unfinished business with their ex. Take your time getting to know them and be careful not to be caught in the drama between them and their ex.
♎ Libra
Sept 23 – Oct 22
(⏰) You expand your network and build new connections with many people in your industry. You work smart wherever you are. Creativity and quick wit can help you tackle workplace issues. Your boss will welcome your ideas. A plum opportunity may be given to you but don't gloat about it to your colleagues.
(₿) A long-awaited payment will finally arrive. Keep your eyes peeled for a hidden opportunity to boost your income may present itself. A friend or relative may ask for a loan. If you're embroiled in a conflict over asset ownership, what's rightfully yours will be yours.
(♥) Couples make several big decisions together and most of the time they see eye to eye. They really listen to each other and show mutual respect even when they disagree. If your baby is due soon, they will arrive without any complications. Cross-cultural couples may discuss which country should they settle in.
(⚤) An opportunity to get close to someone you really like is on the cards. However, don't be too eager or too available as they may think of you as a weirdo. Who they really are may not match with the idolised version of them in your mind.
♏ Scorpio
Oct23 – Nov 21
(⏰) You have a full plate and then some because your supervisor offloads their tasks to you. A client may specifically ask for you to execute a task because they trust no one else. You see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. You can't expect to grow if everything you do is easy.
(₿) Unexpectedly high returns may happen to investors and speculators. You might discover a forgotten piggy bank or get back your lost money. Breadwinners should stay thrifty because their dependents may need more financial support than usual. Keep an eye out for donation scams; don't let your kindness be taken advantage of.
(♥) You and your partner have an opportunity to address past issues and resolve them, leading to better understanding. You both might enjoy new experiences together, exploring new places or activities. If you've been two-timing, guilt might finally make you pick your lane, if you catch our drift.
(⚤) A foreign stranger may approach you via your social media accounts. Make sure this isn't a romance scammer. Your ex or someone who ghosted you may come back to your life and stir up drama. You may wish you hadn't known them in the first place.
♐ Sagittarius
Nov 22 – Dec 21
(⏰) Your main job and side hustle keep you happily busy. You're just grateful that you make good money during this economic climate. Managing priorities, resources and expectations comes naturally to you and you're quick with resolving urgent issues. Take your time with major decisions — new info might come up to help you choose better.
(₿) Get ready for the good news that you've been waiting for. You may receive support or a high-value gift from someone close. You may even receive money from an unexpected source, too. Financial deals you're negotiating are likely to succeed.
(♥) Your relationship may experience some friction due to differing views on domestic matters. A family member may meddle in your and your partner business or sow the seeds of distrust. Remember, you and your partner are one team.
(⚤) An opportunity to talk to someone you like is on the cards. A close family friend or an elder in your family introduces you to someone they think is a great fit. You go back and forth between choosing someone you like or someone people around you like for you.
♑ Capricorn
Dec 22 – Jan 19
(⏰) Your main and side jobs bring you urgent tasks and new projects. Your bosses and clients expect a lot, but you'll manage everything well and work smoothly with others. A satisfying payoff awaits at the finish line. Hold off on major business and financial decisions on March 13-14 as your business acumen may wane.
(₿) The more money you make, the bigger your expenses become. Instant gratification, lifestyle inflation and luxury addiction delay you from being wealthy. Beware of MLM scams or Ponzi schemes. You can't get rich quick.
(♥) Due to conflicting schedules, you and your partner don't get to spend downtime together much. You may find it harder to connect with your partner as they may be preoccupied with something. Your relationship might go through rough patches, but love and care remain between you both.
(⚤) You meet someone you really like but quickly realise that they have several admirers. You'll have to put up a good fight with your competition if you want to get their attention. Good luck.
♒ Aquarius
Jan 20 – Feb 18
(⏰) Pending tasks will progress smoothly, thanks to supportive colleagues. New opportunities will pop up to show off your skills. Expect small hurdles but you'll overcome them with little effort. Your boss listens to your ideas and may put them into effect. The unemployed may start a new job in healthcare or education.
(₿) You make new friends at social events who may later bring you opportunities. Financial negotiations will result in win-win situations. You manage your finances well. You may finally be debt-free. Not all debt is bad, though.
(♥) A heartfelt conversation with your partner allows you to address and heal old wounds, creating better understanding between you two. Sweet moments and fun explorations are on the cards this weekend. Spouses may need to make financial decisions together.
(⚤) If you’re stuck in a situationship that’s going nowhere, you finally cut your losses and move on. If you're still holding onto a past relationship, you could finally let go. You finally are ready to open yourself to new possibilities. Be careful not to fall into your old dating patterns.
♓ Pisces
Feb 19 – Mar 20
(⏰) You may be asked to revise a task several times. You're shouldering more workload than others but don't want to complain about it because you don't want to appear weak. An office senior may offer valuable advice and share some practical tips on how to recharge your batteries. An opportunity to tackle something big that'll test your abilities might come your way.
(₿) Resist tempting promotions and big sales. Abide by Yono, not Yolo. Your real friends don't care if you use expensive stuff. Set a strict budget and stick to it. Beware of get-rich-quick schemes or investment scams.
(♥) A nosy and chatty acquaintance that you two know might spread gossip, creating misunderstandings between you and your partner. You may fail to keep a promise you made with your partner through no fault of your own.
(⚤) Someone new may give you an unexpectedly familiar feeling. The chemistry between you and them is palpable but messy drama is also on the horizon. All that glitters is not gold.