Little interest

Re: "Thai household debt at record high", (BP, Sept 10).


I wonder if those sitting at the top really understand that squabbling over a 2.5% or 2% interest rate means nothing to the public at large. It's nonsense talking about increasing or decreasing current interest rates, while commercial banks are charging SMEs as much as 18% (with all other hidden fees).

On the other hand, giving a stimulus to the economy with handouts is like giving charity to the poorest, with no real support for enterprises that are the real job creators, or movers and shakers of the economy.

Sorry to say that all those at the top should take practical training in business and finance from entrepreneurs/enterprises and learn how to do business, before deciding what interest rate is appropriate.

Just holding degrees from prestigious foreign universities does not give them the necessary wisdom to tackle the crises we are in.

Ken Khorana

Targeting Thaksin

Re: "The 'lawfare' term", (InQuote, Sept 12).

It is laudable to have individuals pursuing politicians who ignore ethics and integrity rules.

The case of former PM Srettha Thavisin, involving 40 former senators, has uplifted the benchmark for ethical politicians but unfortunately, has also brought about the trend of complaining against one-man rule.

Some are frivolous. Simply, it is because of one word in the constitution -- krobgnam which can be loosely translated as "control".

Intentionally, it is the influence of one veteran politician, Thaksin Shinawatra, that they like to curb, despite that being practically impossible.

Songdej Praditsmanont

Caveman logic

Re: "Petition targets PM for heart sign", (BP, Sept 10).

I think the conservatives are losing their minds. According to them, it is "unethical" to make the little heart sign while wearing official white uniforms.

I think these righties should close themselves in caves or fade away -- rather than disturb modern-thinking people, blocking the way for Thailand to develop.

Karl Reichstetter
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024
14 Sep 2024 14 Sep 2024


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