Time to regroup?

Re: "Asean's united front amid global shifts", (Opinion, July 30).

I have had hundreds of letters posted in PostBag over a 20-year period since 1998. I kept a scrapbook of clippings (over 1,500), but it burned in a fire. I was giving Burin competition.

Anyhow, here's an idea that's probably not novel: Southeast Asian countries should form a federation, suggested name: SEA. It would be stronger than Asean, which is basically a business organisation.

SEA would be about half as strong (economically and militarily) as the EU yet, as it is now, separate Asian nations are about a 10th as strong as the EU. SEA could have a common currency and coordinated military and economic (and other) institutions. China would not be as brazen when confronting SEA as it is when bullying individual Southeast Asian countries.

Come on, Asians, quit being so provincial. No Southeast Asian country (or its people) is better than any other. Strength in unity.

Ken Albertsen
Laundry list extra

Re: "PM's laundry list", (PostBag, Sept 16) & "Humble Asean advice for Madame Pae", (Opinion, Sept 10).

Not a bad list, but she should not be taught that Hamas is a terrorist movement. Rather, she should be informed about the historical background in which a) Israel is occupying Palestine illegally; b) Israel is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians since its invasion of Palestine in 1948; c) the Palestinians have a legal right to armed resistance against the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, and against the ongoing Israeli pogrom of the Palestinians; and d) Hamas is exercising that legal right.

Colin Roth
Moderation, please

Re: "Toxic comments", (PostBag, Sept 14).

I agree with Maxi Milian. The Post should not allow comments and letters that make personal attacks or insult and belittle others. Sadly, online forums can easily turn into echo chambers for some people who just want to say something, whether relevant or not.

Social media and platforms can be easily exploited for bad-mouthing others. Look at X or the so-called Truth Social (TS) and scores of platforms funded by individuals or governments. Platforms such as TS have nothing to do with the truth.

They are becoming mouthpieces for the crazy and deranged. Maxi is correct that the Post should moderate comments on its portal.

Kuldeep Nagi
Venezuelan dilemma

Re: "Antics in Venezuela", (PostBag, Sept 14).

Colin Roth rather candidly admits that "it is understandable the Venezuelan authorities might go in for some counter-cheating".

Yes, Mr Roth, it's understandable that a regime trousering much of its nation's cash would want to remain in power at any cost, even altering the results of an election to do so.

Tarquin Chufflebottom

CONTACT: BANGKOK POST BUILDING 136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110 Fax: +02 6164000 email: postbag@bangkokpost.co.th

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