Unlock your power with right rotation
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Unlock your power with right rotation


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In a perfect world here's what happens when we wind up away from the ball. Think of your belly button turning gradually to the right and, in unison, allow your body weight to shift by slightly moving your right heel. This allows for a subtle movement in your hips before they begin to turn. When the hips begin to fully turn your shoulders also start to rotate and your left shoulder moves down and across slightly and at right angles to the axis of your spine.

When winding up you should feel that not all of your body is moving and turning as you must feel that there's resistance in your right knee, as the flex there must be maintained and have the feeling that you're sitting down on it.

As the rotation of your hips and shoulders create torque as they stretch up and away from the ball you should feel a tightening sensation down the left side of your back. Your left knee is pulled inward slightly and your left hip and shoulder move in unison with your right side. Don't make any attempt to keep your head absolutely still as it should move slightly to accommodate the rotation of the body.

Out of Bounds: It is a mistake in golf to look too far ahead. The golfing chain of destiny can only be grasped one hole at a time.

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