Cabin crew

Take your aviation career dreams higher with our cabin crew flashcards. Designed for future flight attendants, these printable study tools cover all the essential terminology you'll need onboard. Download the PDF or print on demand.

  • aircraft
    an airplane or helicopter or other vehicle that travels through the air from place to place
  • airline
    a company that provides regular flights to take passengers and goods to different places
  • aircraft stand
    /ˈeəkrɑːft stænd/
    a designated area intended to be used for parking aircraft
  • airsickness
    the feeling that you will vomit when flying on an aircraft
  • aisle
    a long narrow space between rows of seats in a church, aircraft, train, cinema, etc.
    ทางเดินระหว่างที่นั่ง (ในโบสถ์, โรงภาพยนตร์, เครื่องบิน)
  • announcement
    a spoken or written statement that informs people about something
  • arrival
    when someone reaches where they are going (arrives)
    ขาเข้า การเข้ามา
  • board
    to get onto a ship, aircraft, train, or bus
    ขึ้น (เรือ, รถเมล์, รถไฟ, เครื่องบิน)
  • boarding pass
    /ˈbɔː.dɪŋ ˌpɑːs/
    a card that a passenger must have to be allowed to enter an aircraft or a ship
  • brace position
    /breɪs pəˈzɪʃ.ən/
    a position that passengers and crew should adopt in case of an emergency landing to reduce the risk of injury
  • cabin
    the area where passengers sit in an aircraft
  • cabin crew
    /ˈkæb.ɪn ˌkruː/
    the people whose job is to take care of passengers on a plan
    พนักงานภายในเครื่องบิน, ลูกเรือ
  • captain
    the person in charge of a ship or an aircraft
  • cockpit
    the enclosed space for a pilot in an airplane
  • customs
    the place at a port, airport or border where travellers' bags are looked at to find out if any goods are being carried illegally
  • departure
    the act of leaving a place, or a flight, train, etc. that is leaving a place at a particular time
  • disembark
    to leave a vehicle, especially a ship or an aircraft, at the end of a journey
  • domestic
    inside the country being talked about
  • evacuation
    moving people from a place of danger to a safer place
  • international
    connected with or involving two or more countries
    นานาชาติ, สากล, ระหว่างประเทศ
  • lavatory
    a public bathroom that many people use
  • landing
    the fact of an aircraft arriving on the ground or a boat reaching land
  • layover
    a short stay in a place that you make while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else
  • life jacket
    /ˈlaɪf ˌdʒæk.ɪt/
    a piece of equipment, like a jacket without sleeves, that is filled with air or light material and is designed to help you float if you fall into water
  • overhead compartment
    /ˌəʊvəˈhɛd kəmˈpɑːtmənt/
    storage compartments located above passenger seats in an aircraft cabin
  • oxygen mask
    /ˈɒk.sɪ.dʒən ˌmɑːsk/
    a device placed over the nose and mouth through which a person can breathe oxygen, for example in an aircraft or a hospital
  • passenger manifest
    /ˈpæsɪndʒə ˈmænɪfest/
    a document that lists the details of passengers on a flight
  • red-eye flight
    /ˌrɛd aɪ flaɪt/
    a plane journey during the night, usually one that is over a long distance
    เที่ยวบินตาแดง, เที่ยวบินที่ออกเดินทางตอนดึกและถึงปลายทางตอนเช้า
  • co-pilot
    a second pilot who helps the main pilot in an aircraft
  • safety demonstration
    /ˈseɪfti ˌdɛmənsˈtreɪʃən/
    a detailed explanation given before take-off to airline passengers about the safety features of the aircraft they are aboard
  • refreshments
    something to eat or drink during an event such as a meeting or party
  • take off
    /ˈteɪk ɒf/
    if an aircraft, bird or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly
  • turbulence
    strong sudden movements within air or water
    หลุมอากาศ, การเคลื่อนไหวผิดปกติของบรรยากาศ
  • tray table
    /treɪ ˈteɪbl/
    a small, tray-shaped table used to place small objects upon
  • trolley
    a table on four small wheels with one or more shelves under it, used for serving food or drinks
  • jet bridge
    /dʒɛt brɪdʒ/
    a movable, enclosed connector that extends from an airport terminal gate to an aircraft's door
  • jet lag
    /ˈdʒet ˌlæɡ/
    the feeling of being tired and slightly confused after a long plane journey, especially when there is a big difference in the time at the place you leave and that at the place you arrive in
  • galley
    the kitchen on an airplane where food and drinks are prepared and served
  • jump seat
    /dʒʌmp siːt/
    an additional seat located in the cockpit or cabin of an aircraft, not designated for passengers but is used for specific personnel under certain circumstances
  • taxi
    (of an aircraft) to move slowly on the ground
    เคลื่อนที่ไปบนพื้นทางขับด้วยกำลังจากตัวเครื่องบินเอง มักใช้เวลาเครื่องบินเคลื่อนจากหลุมจอดไปยังทางวิ่ง
  • taxiway
    the hard path that a plane uses as it moves to and from the runway
    ทางขับ เชื่อมระหว่างหลุมจอดและทางวิ่ง
  • runway
    a long narrow strip of ground with a hard surface that an aircraft takes off from and lands on
    ทางวิ่ง, ทางขึ้นลงของเครื่องบิน
  • in-flight
    happening or available during a flight
  • flight deck
    /ˈflaɪt ˌdek/
    the part of an aircraft where the pilot sits and where the controls are

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