Digital marketing

Boost your online presence, grow your business, and expand your marketing vocabulary with these printable flashcards! Whether you're a marketing student or an entrepreneur, these cards help you grasp both fundamental and advanced digital marketing terms. Download the PDF or print on demand today!

  • a/b testing
    /ˌeɪ biː ˈtestɪŋ/
    a way to compare two versions of something to figure out which performs better. It's most often associated with websites and apps.
    การเปรียบเทียบประสิทธิภาพระหว่างสองสิ่ง เช่น การจัดวางเว็บเพจ หรือวิธีโฆษณา
  • content
    information, images, video, etc. that are included as part of something such as a website
  • strategy
    a plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time
  • cta (call to action)
    /ˌkɔːl tə ˈækʃn/
    a word or phrase that encourages customers to perform a specific action, such as Buy Now or Sign Up Now
  • intrusive marketing
    /ɪnˈtruːsɪv ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    the techniques of targeting and communicating with potential customers using marketing materials without their consent, such as ‘junk’ or ‘push’ e-mail, telemarketing or non-skippable ads on Youtube
    การตลาดที่รุกล้ำผู้บริโภค เช่น โฆษณาที่กดข้ามไม่ได้ หรือโฆษณาป็อปอัพ
  • non-intrusive marketing
    /nɒn ɪnˈtruːsɪv ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    ads that do not overtly disrupt a user's online experience, such as skippable ads on Youtube
    การตลาดที่ไม่รุกล้ำผู้บริโภค เช่น โฆษณาที่กดข้ามได้ การแทรกโฆษณาสินค้าเข้าไปในเนื้อหาอย่างแยบยล หรือการแทรกโฆษณาไว้ในเนื้อหาที่ให้ข้อมูลข่าวสาร
  • seo (search engine optimisation)
    /ˌsɜːtʃ en.dʒɪn ɒp.tɪ.maɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/
    methods of making sure that the address of a website is shown near the top of the list of results of an internet search
  • sem (search engine marketing)
    /ˈsɜːtʃ ˌen.dʒɪn ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    a method of using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages
  • keyword
    a word that you type into a computer, for example when you are using the internet, so that the computer will find information that contains that word
  • organic traffic
    /ɔːˈɡæn.ɪk ˈtræf.ɪk/
    the number of visitors to a website that come from unpaid sources, such as search engines
  • brand awareness
    /ˌbrænd əˈweə.nəs/
    the degree to which people are familiar with or prefer a particular brand
  • engagement
    the process of people looking at and reacting to particular information online, for example, a particular company's social media posts
  • conversion rate
    /kənˈvɜːrʃn reɪt/
    the number of sales of a product compared to the number of people who visit a website to look at that product, or to the number of phone calls or sales visits that are made
  • ctr (click-through rate)
    /ˈklɪk.θruː ˌreɪt/
    a measurement of the number of people looking at an item or a page on the internet who then follow a link (= a connection between documents) to another page or website
  • kpi (key performance indicator)
    /ˌkiː pəˈfɔː.məns ˌɪn.dɪ.keɪ.tər/
    one of the most important indicators (= something that shows what a situation is like or how it is changing) that show how well an economy, company, project, etc. is doing, or how well an employee is working
  • roi (return on investment)
    /rɪˈtɜːn ɒn ɪnˈvestmənt/
    the profit from an activity for a particular period compared with the amount invested in it
  • ppc (pay per click)
    pay-per-click advertising involves the person or company that is advertising online paying a particular amount of money every time someone opens their advertisement by clicking on it (= pressing a button on the mouse or keyboard)
  • cpa (cost per acquisition)
    /kɒst pɜːr ˌæk.wɪˈzɪʃn/
    a marketing metric that measures how much it costs to acquire a new customer
  • cpc (cost per click)
    /kɒst pɜːr ˈklɪk/
    the amount of money that is charged to a company that advertises on a website each time someone clicks on the advertisement on the website
  • cpm (cost per mille)
    /kɒst pɜːr ˈmɪli/
    a pricing model used to calculate how much an advertiser pays for every 1,000 views of their ad
    ต้นทุนต่อการแสดงผลของโฆษณาทุก 1,000 ครั้ง
  • viral marketing
    /ˈvaɪrəl ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    a marketing activity in which information about a product spreads between people, especially on the internet
    การตลาดแบบไวรัล, การตลาดที่ใช้โซเชียลมีเดียสร้างกระแสให้กับธุรกิจ
  • ugc (user-generated content)
    /ˈjuːzər dʒəˈnɛrəˌteɪd ˈkɒntent/
    original brand-specific content created by customers, at no expense to the company
  • affiliate marketing
    /əˌfɪl.i.ət ˈmɑː.kɪ.tɪŋ/
    an agreement in which a person or organisation puts a link to a company's product on their website, and the company pays them something every time they sell a product through this link
    การทำการตลาดให้กับบุคคลหรือบริษัทด้วยการโปรโมตสินค้าและบริการผ่านช่องทางของเรา เช่น เว็บไซต์ หรือโซเชียลมีเดีย
  • backlinks
    a link inserted on one page that directs to another page
  • meta description
    /ˈmetə dɪˈskrɪpʃn/
    a meta-description tag generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about
  • alt text
    /ˈɒlt ˌtekst/
    short for alternative text: text that describes the appearance or purpose of an image on a website
  • anchor text
    /ˈæŋkər tekst/
    the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink
  • cdn (content delivery network)
    /ˌkɒn.tent dɪˈlɪv.ər.i ˌnet.wɜːk/
    a number of connected proxy servers (= computers that communicate between a central computer and other devices) kept in buildings in many different places across the world that enable information, images, video, etc. to be shared quickly on the internet
  • visibility
    the degree to which something is seen or known about
  • traffic
    the activity of data and messages passing through an online communication system or the number of visits to a particular website
  • reach
    the number of people that a company is able to advertise or sell a product or service to
    จำนวนการเข้าถึงของเนื้อหา โดยจำนวนครั้งจะไม่เพิ่มขึ้นหากอุปกรณ์เดิมเห็นเนื้อหาซ้ำ
  • impression
    a single time that an internet advertisement is seen by a user
    จำนวนครั้งที่เนื้อหาถูกแสดงผล โดยจำนวนครั้งจะเพิ่มขึ้นหากอุปกรณ์เดิมเห็นเนื้อหาซ้ำ
  • audience demographics
    /ˈɔːdiəns dɪˈmɒɡrəfɪks/
    the characteristics of the audience, such as their age, gender and income
  • engagement rate
    /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt reɪt/
    a metric that measures how often users interact with content or a website
  • customer journey
    /ˈkʌstəmər ˈdʒɜːni/
    a series of steps — starting with brand awareness before a person is even a customer — that leads to a purchase and eventual customer loyalty
  • influencer marketing
    /ˈɪnfluːənsər ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    a social media strategy that uses popular people to promote a brand's products or services
  • retargeting
    a digital marketing strategy targeting the customers who previously visited your websites or apps
  • algorithm
    a set of rules that must be followed when solving a particular problem
    ชุดของคำสั่งที่สร้างไว้ตามขั้นตอน, อัลกอริทึม
  • evergreen content
    /ˈevəɡriːn ˈkɒntent/
    content that stays relevant and useful for a long period of time
    เนื้อหาที่มีความยั่งยืน ดูสดใหม่และน่าสนใจตลอด
  • email marketing
    /ˈiːmeɪl ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    a marketing approach where a business uses email to connect with and communicate with its customers
  • authentic marketing
    /ɔːˈθɛntɪk ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/
    the practice of being genuine and transparent when representing a brand's values, identity and purpose

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