
Journey beyond the sky toward the stars with these out-of-this-world flash cards! Perfect for science enthusiasts and students from high school to university. Covering key terms in astronomy, space phenomena, and astrophysics. Download the PDF or print on demand.

  • astronomy
    the scientific study of the stars, planets and other objects in the universe
  • planet
    a large round object in space that moves around a star (such as the sun) and receives light from it
  • galaxy
    any of the large systems of stars, etc. in outer space
    กลุ่มดาวกาแล็กซี, ดาราจักร
  • constellation
    a group of stars that forms a shape in the sky and has a name
  • orbit
    (of a planet, satellite, etc.) to follow a curved path as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc
  • telescope
    a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, containing lenses, that you look through to make objects that are far away appear larger and nearer
  • the solar system
    /ˈsəʊ.lə ˌsɪs.təm/
    the sun and the group of planets that move around it
  • comet
    a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail
  • meteor
    a piece of rock from outer space that makes a bright line across the night sky as it burns up while falling through the earth's atmosphere
  • asteroid
    any one of the many small planets that go around the sun
  • black hole
    /ˌblæk ˈhəʊl/
    a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape
  • nebula
    a mass of dust or gas that can be seen in the night sky, often appearing very bright; a bright area in the night sky caused by a large cloud of stars that are far away
    เนบิวลา, กลุ่มก๊าซสีขาวที่เกิดกลางหมู่ดาวต่างๆ โดยเฉพาะในเวลากลางคืน
  • dwarf planet
    /ˈdwɔːf ˌplæn.ɪt/
    a round mass of metal and rock or gas, moving around the sun or another star, that is not large enough to be considered a planet. Dwarf planets in the solar system include Ceres, Pluto and Eris
  • light year
    /ˈlaɪt ˌjɪər/
    the distance that light travels in one year (about 9.5 million million kilometres)
  • big bang theory
    /ˌbɪɡ ˈbæŋ ˌθɪə.ri/
    the theory that the universe began with a very large explosion of a single mass of matter
  • exoplanet
    a planet of a star that is outside the solar system
  • supernova
    a star that has exploded, strongly increasing its brightness for a few months
  • dark matter
    /ˈdɑːk ˌmæt.ər/
    (according to some theories of the universe) a substance existing in space that does not give off any light
  • wavelength
    the distance between two waves of energy, or the length of the radio wave used by a particular radio station for broadcasting programmes
  • redshift
    a process in which the light coming from far away objects in space is seen to move from the blue end of the spectrum (= the range of colours into which a beam of light can be separated) to the red end as it moves farther away, because the wavelengths (= the distances between the waves of energy) bec
  • satellite
    an electronic device that is sent into space and moves around the earth or another planet. It is used for communicating by radio, television, etc. and for providing information
  • sunspot
    a dark spot on the surface of the sun that appears for a few days or weeks and then disappears
  • aurora
    colourful bands of light that you can sometimes see in the sky
    แสงออโรรา, สีแสงที่เกิดบริเวณขั้วโลกเหนือและขั้วโลกใต้
  • cosmos
    the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system
  • stellar
    connected with the stars
  • spectroscope
    a piece of equipment that separates light into its colours
    สเปกโทรสโคป, อุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ดูสเปกตรัมของแสง
  • pulsar
    a very small dense (= heavy in relation to its size) star that sends out radio waves
    พัลซาร์, แหล่งพลังงานวิทยุในกาแล็กซีของจักรวาล
  • quasar
    the centre of a galaxy (= group of stars) that is very far away, producing large amounts of energy
    ควอซาร์, แหล่งกำเนิดคลื่นวิทยุคล้ายดาวฤกษ์
  • event horizon
    /ɪˌvent həˈraɪ.zən/
    the outer edge of a black hole, beyond which nothing, including light, can escape
    ขอบฟ้าเหตุการณ์, บริเวณรอบหลุมดำ
  • cosmology
    the study of the nature and origin of the universe
  • interstellar
    between the stars in the sky
  • space probe
    /ˈspeɪs ˌprəʊb/
    a small spacecraft, with no one travelling in it, sent into space to make measurements and send back information to scientists on earth
  • astrophysics
    the type of astronomy that uses physical laws and ideas to explain the behaviour of the stars and other objects in space
  • magnetosphere
    the magnetic field of a planet; the volume around the planet in which charged particles are subject more to the planet's magnetic field than to the solar magnetic field

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