Exhibition unravels whispers of liberation
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Exhibition unravels whispers of liberation

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A painting by Chantanee Kontoljinda. photo courtesy of La Lanta Gallery
A painting by Chantanee Kontoljinda. photo courtesy of La Lanta Gallery

Art lovers are invited to examine the relationships between liberty, freedom and peace during "The Melody Of Freedom And Peace", which is running at La Lanta, 2nd floor of River City Bangkok, Charoen Krung 24, until March 30.

On display are semi-abstract paintings by Chantanee Kontoljinda who draws from personal explorations of countless ways these concepts are defined individually and collectively.

Captured in the works is the trembling of a heart that yearns for peace. Her brush sweeps across canvases with abandon, yet its movements reflect the struggle of her endeavours to find inner strength and calm -- the kind of peace that does not need to make itself known.

Her paintings depict animals -- pigeons, horses and sheep -- that serve as important symbols of freedom of movement and liberation, as well as various tethers that convey a sense of simultaneous release and entrapment.

Her lyrics give voice to the inexhaustible expressions of liberty and unceasing search for peace rife in a world that never stops spinning.

The exhibition encourages viewers to overcome limits and express themselves without constraint -- to experience an unwavering, clear sense of independence that unfolds in unison with a tranquillity that arises from the pursuit of happiness through self-awareness and acceptance.

As your appreciation of the meaningful coexistence of freedom and peace deepens, you may begin to hear the subtle melodies of freedom and harmonious connection that are threaded through.

The exhibition is open for public viewing daily from 10am to 7pm, except Monday.

Visit lalanta.com.

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