Your horoscope for July 26 - August 1
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Your horoscope for July 26 - August 1


Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.


  • (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
  • Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
  • You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Regardless of where you work from, you know how to work smart and fast. You may finish several tasks before their deadlines. Someone in your professional circle may bring you a good opportunity, but you must act quickly. 

(₿) Whether you're trying to sell your assets or someone else's, you should be able to close a deal soon. Wishes come true for those seeking scholarships or research grants. A good friend may treat you to a fancy meal.

(♥) Your relationship feels like a rollercoaster. You two love hard and fight harder. Your ex or someone you dated may try to reconnect to see if you're still interested. 

(⚤) Beware of romance scammers. Don't click on any suspicious links. Don't give out too much personal information to online matches. If you knowingly see someone’s already taken, a rude wake-up call is on the cards. 

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) Due to uncooperative colleagues, you may finish a few tasks later than expected. Brace yourself for a meeting from hell where you can cut the atmosphere with a knife. If you're in competition, you may not get to go further but you learn something valuable from the experience.

(₿) Investors, you decide to cut loss at the right time. Collectors may decide to sell a rare item for a nice profit. If you're a ricewinner, stay thrifty as you may have to pay for something you don't see coming. Be more mindful of your belongings while travelling.

(♥) You two may have to make a big decision and you'll have to do it quickly. Try to see things from your partner's POV as your way may not always be the right way. A conflict can end if you disengage. 

(⚤) Someone likes you but you make it clear that you don't fancy them. Someone you fancy seems to string you along as they have several admirers and you're one of their "finalists".

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) You know how to work smart and fast. You utilise new tools and tech to speed up your work quickly and colleagues may ask you to show them how. Job seekers may receive an offer to work in the service sector or for the government. 

(₿) A grand prize or big fortune awaits you but it may come with sizeable tax or maintenance costs. Don't sign on to be a guarantor for someone no matter how close he/she is. Beware of investment offers that sound too good to be true. 

(♥) Your partner's relative may be a bad apple and create havoc that bothers all. A fight can be prevented if you walk away from the situation. You don't have to win every argument. 

(⚤) An opportunity to get to know someone who's physically your type is on the cards. However, you'll quickly find out that you're just one of their many admirers. The worst news is that you know you're not a top choice in this scenario.   

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle consume most of your waking hours. You won't experience any burnout or creative block any time soon. You manage your workplace relationships better and colleagues find you more pleasant and sociable, especially if you have a case of RBF.

(₿) You put more time and effort into your career and side hustle and rising digits in your accounts reflect that. You live way below your means and friends may ask if you have a financial problem. If you have debts, you may pay off at least one. 

(♥) Miscommunication and misunderstanding may happen but the foundation of your relationship remains solid. There's this invisible link between you two that's unshakable.

(⚤) An opportunity to get to know someone online and IRL awaits. A friend or familiar face may confess their attraction. If you have several admirers, you need more time to figure out who's first choice.  

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) You deliver more than usual. Conflicts may become opportunities to reconcile and make new friends. You may get to show off your leadership skills and inspire colleagues. A higher-up may praise you in front of others. In any competition, you're likely to do well.  

(₿) You collect nice returns from your portfolio in addition to your income. A small prize or gift is on the cards. If you're embroiled in a conflict over asset ownership, you'll get what is rightfully yours.

(♥) Tender and romantic moments await couples this weekend. If they run a business together, they're making money hand over fist. Couples may sit down to set up life goals together. 

(⚤) Someone in the same industry may ask for your contact info but it isn't strictly for work purposes. If you've been chatting with someone online, you may get to meet them in the flesh soon.

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sep 22

(⏰) You learn to become more assertive and say no. You accomplish all that you set out to do. Your content or campaign may go viral for the intended reason. An opportunity that your colleagues want may be handed to you. Brace yourself for haters.

(₿) Investors get to collect higher-than-expected returns. You're on track with your plan towards financial freedom and may reward yourself with something nice. Don't feel guilty to celebrate a little when you reach a milestone.   

(♥) Couples can discuss everything with one another. Friends may be surprised by how blunt you are with each other. TMI moments may happen when you innocently share minute details about your relationship with friends.

(⚤) Holiday romance is on the cards. You may fancy someone from a different socio-cultural background. However, you two click despite differences. A classic case of opposites attract.

♎ Libra

Sep 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) A higher-up may entrust you with a big project. You may be given more power to make big decisions. Envious colleagues may gossip and give you the cold shoulder. In an ideal world, everyone should be happy for each other's success but that's not the case. You go to work to make coins and, hopefully, positive changes.  

(₿) You can easily pay all your bills and may secure a new income source. Beware of fake traders or shopping scams. You don't have to buy the latest trendy item as it may not be for you.

(♥) Couples may argue over how to manage their wealth. They may set up goals and resolutions that inspire them to work together. Don't be too adventurous in the bedroom or else you may risk minor injuries.

(⚤) You meet several admirers IRL and online. You may decide to go on first dates with all of them to see who clicks the most. Someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect. 

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) You may be asked to perform tasks outside your job description. You may have early access to the latest tools and technology that are relevant to your work. An opportunity to mediate between colleagues who don't get along may arise. Put your soft skills to good use and earn good karma.

(₿) You may reward yourself with an expensive item off your wish list or an experience that will last in your memory for a lifetime. The more you spend, the more money-making opportunities come your way. 

(♥) Couples treat each other the same way whether at home, online or in public. Trying an adventurous activity together can reinvigorate your relationship. Your sexy time may be infrequent but it's fiery every time.   

(⚤) Whether you're trying to turn your friend into a lover or rekindle an old flame, Cupid is on your side. A friend who thinks your ex is your the-one-that-got-away may go out of their way to help bring you and your ex together.

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) Brace yourself for unexpected challenges and assignments. You remain highly focused, proactive and productive. You tackle everything thrown at you head-on. An opportunity to demonstrate your leadership is on the cards. If you recently had a job interview, you'll hear back very soon.

(₿) You may receive insider info or a sentimental gift. If you're expecting compensation or overdue payment, it'll arrive next week. Someone in your family may ask you for financial help. 

(♥) Couples learn to give and take more fairly. Cross-cultural or same-sex couples may face legal issues. Don't try anything exotic during a romantic getaway or else you two may catch a stomach bug or worse.

(⚤) A familiar face who's already taken may show romantic interest to see if they still have their mojo. If you're trying to win back your ex, be careful with your words as a poor word choice may reset your progress.   

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) Factor in both facts and feelings when you make decisions and you should make the right ones. You're quicker at reading the room. You communicate well with everyone in the office. You don't have to work as hard to convince someone or sell them something.

(₿) The more you make, the more you spend. Lifestyle inflation and instant gratification eat up your income. If you can afford something nice, it doesn't mean you should buy it. You may win a small lucky draw. 

(♥) Couples continue to be each other's sources of support, inspiration and safe spaces. Try an activity that feels foreign to make new memories. A dream you two share may come true. It’s not a baby. 

(⚤) You may meet someone interesting while attending a social event or going out with friends. They share many interests and values with you. If you've been casually dating someone, you may decide to make it official. 

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) What is considered difficult for others may be easy for you. You notice a possible conflict in your workplace and rectify it immediately. You may be successor to someone with a big title who's on their way out. People expect a lot from you but you won't buckle under pressure.

(₿) A freelance or side hustle opportunity presents itself. A longtime customer may introduce you to new customers. You can keep up with repayment obligations (if you have any). You may set aside some money to learn a new skill. 

(♥) A healthy argument makes couples understand each other better. You two may start a new project or take on a new responsibility. This can be a test to see if you two will be there for each other when a problem arises. Oh, it will. 

(⚤) A close family friend — an auntie or uncle who isn't really your blood — may play Cupid and hook you up with someone. Unfortunately, you find them rather annoying. You may choose to stay single and focus on self-improvement, for now.

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) Be ready for difficult and demanding customers. A coworker may turn out to be a troublemaker and make your work harder than it has to be. An office senior conducts themself exemplarily and becomes your new source of inspiration. You have a lot to do but you manage to keep calm and collected. 

(₿) You may receive insider info or a gift that greatly pleases you because much thought was put into it. You manage your money better and your wallet is getting thicker. No scammers can fool you. 

(♥) You need to be more patient with your partner as you two disagree more often. You two may have to make a big decision that affects both of you and there's not much time for deliberation. 

(⚤) Someone may fall head over heels for you but you're not into them. You don't mind engaging in small talk with them while looking for someone who better suits you. However, be careful not to give them false hope.

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